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I pull up my pants and head out of Uriah's and my bathroom. I start towards the door but Uriah stops me. "Whoa, hold on there." I turn to face him. "Where you going? The party starts in a hour."

I lean on the door and cross my hands. "Yeah, I know. But I'm going early." He raises a brow but lets me go anyways. I turn the knob and walk out to the party room.

When I enter, I see a Caleb, leaning against the bar counter, drinking a beer with two empty ones behind him. Yikes. Some babies were dropped when born, but I think he was thrown at the wall. He notices my appearance and waves me over. What does he wants?

"Yeah?" I ask. He takes another swig and hands me the can casually. I look at it and look back at Caleb. I takes a tiny sip and scrunch my nose again at the taste. He laughs as I pass the poison back to him. "I just wanted to know you more before you get taken in conversation by those weirdos."

I nod while laughing. They are something. "So, what do you like to do except for skateboarding?" I hesitate before speaking. "I just jam out." And it's the truth. I usually put my headphones in and jam, jumping on my bed, hitting a few dance moves. He smiles. "I just read."

"Oh really?" I sarcasm. He pushes my shoulder playfully. "I just wanted to be truthful." I shrug slightly. Can't blame him.

After about a hour of laughing and chatting, people start to enter. "Yo, Phoenix!" I turn to see Zeke waving his hands above his head with Four on his right with Uriah on his left staring off in awe. Oh Uriah, what are we going to do with you?

"Adios." I say as I walk to them. Uriah scans the room and his eyes lands on me. He grins. "That's where you were. Lets get our party on!" I hook arms with Uriah and we walk forward.

After hours of partying, we start the games. We make a lopsided circle on the floor and begin. There are eight of us. Zeke, Uriah, Four, me, Caleb, the disgusting old carrot hair guy from the bathroom, a guy I believe is Peter, and one of Caleb's friend named Fernando.

"I'm first!" Zeke yells. Uriah gasps really loudly almost falling over. "How dare you?! I go first this time!" Zeke just rolls his eyes and slams his hand on Uriah's face pushing him away. "Drew," he says looking at old carrot hair guy. "Pansycake or Dauntless?"

"Dauntless." Zeke rubs his hand together evilly. This can't be good. "I dare you to propose to Mrs. Matthews." He makes a sour face but gets up with Four and me going with him. We run towards her office. Once we get there, Drew knocks on the door. Jeanine opens the door flustered of his appearance.

"May I help you?" He gulps and bends down on one knee and holds out a beautiful diamond ring. Why is that just in his pocket? "Jeanine Matthews, will you make me a happy man by marrying me?" She drops her papers she was just holding and squeals jumping up and down. "YES!!!"

I interrupt there little moment. "Whoa, whoa, WHOA!" All eyes turn to me. "Arn't you married? You are a Mrs." She looks at the floor ashamed. "I lied. I'm a loner." I stifle a laugh with the others. Her head snaps up. "GIMMIE MY RING!!!" She snatches the ring and kisses Drew passionately and slams the door shut on his face.

He has a look of horrid on his face as we walk back. We enter with the groups eyes on us. "I'm engaged with Mrs.Matthews." We all burst out laughing as we return back to the circle. "Phoenix," says Drew, grabbing my attention. "Truth or Dare?"

"Dare." He smirks. "Let Peter make you a drink." I furrow my brows in confusion. That's all? That's easy. I stand up with Peter. We walk to the kitchen that is connected to the room and starts pulling out stuff. I gag when I see him pulling out shrimp. He has shrimp, garlic flavored ice cream, (A/N Yes, it's a flavor) onions, salt, and coleslaw. Yay, I'm getting food poisoning.

He shoves them in the blender and press the button to start. As it blends, I can see it turn a different shade of brown while the smell oozes out. He stops it and pours it in a cup. I stare at it like it's a equation as he hands it to me.

I take a deep breathe in-regretting it since I can smell it-and chug it down. I slam it down on the counter and lean against the counter trying to get myself not to puke. I get a new glass and fill water in it chugging it down, trying to clear my insides of that toxic drink.

I walk back to the circle. "I'm going early, I don't feel that well after that poison." I groan and crouch over. I hear Peter faintly laugh. "Oh shut your hole," I glare. Caleb stands. "Me too. I'm tired."

We walk out to the hall side by side. I look back at my mom's words. He has changed. He is different. More dangerous. What does she mean by dangerous? I know he is not his self anymore, but in what way? Whatever it is, I need to find out quick. There is something about him that feels uneasy.

I almost want to play dead on the spot not wanting to be near him anymore. He used to be so brother-like. "Here is some advil to help the bug." He says, handing me a red pill. I take it and swallow it. Are you suppose to wash this down? I don't know and don't care. I just want this stupid mission over.

"Thanks." He smiles and leans against my dorm door. "No problem." He walks away but not before stoping right by my side turning his face to his side to meet my glance. "See you tomorrow." His hand lightly brushes mine before walking away.

A/N Don't be a Uriah.

Tris: Undercover Girl in ALL Boys SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now