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[jeanine's pov]

I step onto the roof, the wind blowing on my face and all of my senses sharp and aware.

I don't know what made me come up here, why I couldn't wait, but I don't know why she came up here either, so we've both made questionable choices.

I close the access door behind me and can't help but see a shadow move across the roof, its darkness descending over me like a murderer I can't escape.

I secure my arms around myself and try to calm the shiver going down my spine, focusing on finding my sister to confront her about something that I don't know much about myself.

"Georgia? Georgia! Where are you?" I shout as I make my way across the roof slowly and carefully.

I pull on my ears to try and stretch out the sound to hear if there is any sign of human life up here.


My ears perk up as I pick up on the faint sound of a moan escaping someone's lips.


I get frantic as try to bring myself to where I heard the sound.

Just as I'm turning a bend I see the same murder shadow coming across the doorway of a protruding building and I rush around it just in time to see blood dripping down Georgia's face and hear a gunshot go off into the night.

hey people!

i am not dead, however sad that may be, i am just enjoying the no stress period because school is in just about 3 weeks:(((((

BUT there will hopefully be more updates once school starts again but this may be coming to a close soon!! i am going to be focusing more on my dramione story once school starts tho and my new [first] cake fic that you guys should totally check out !

so anyways, i hope you enjoyed and only a few more chapters and then the end of this mess of my first ff :/ !!

hope everyones having a good day youre all amazing!


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