Assignment (part 3)

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chapter 21

Cobras POV

"It all started when I was 4 years old. No one knew where my dad was because he had suddenly disappeared off the face of the earth. I knew this because he told me where he went and why. He threatened me and said that if I told anyone he would kill my mother. So, from then on, I never opened my mouth even to mutter hello to anyone. my mom thought that because my dad disappeared that I turned mute. That was only the beginning of his torment over me. At first, it was just insignificant things like notes with blood and hurtful words. For a kid, I was smart and knew how to read so whenever I would get a new book he would figure out how to get a message to me. At this point in my life, I had no idea about supernatural beings. I was at home playing outside one day while my mom was inside making lunch. While I was, outside I heard strange noises and me being the curious little kid that I was I listened and waited for something to come out of the woods. I started to get an uneasy feeling like something bad was going to happen if I stayed any longer. I turned to run inside but as soon as I made it to the front porch something tackled me from the side. I was winded and couldn't get up, so I turned my head and looked at what just hit me and seen a huge brown wolf with glowing red eyes barring its teeth at me. I screamed but no sound came out and the wolf took this time to lunge at me. I was so scared I blacked out and when I woke up I was no longer at home, but I was in a glass cell in a room with hundreds of others around me. I was super scared at this point, so I just kept crying and calling out for my mom. Turns out my call was answered and in came both my mom and dad in white lab coats looking eviler than the day they had me. Did I mention that my parents hated me and have ever since I could remember? I never looked like either of them and it had me wondering if maybe they weren't my parents. they walked over to my cubicle and tried to create soothing faces but now that I know the real them they just look constipated. I gave them a glare and turned away from them which probably wasn't the best idea seeing as my hair was pulled and I was dragged out of the room. I grabbed my hair and started clawing at the hands. I heard a hiss and then I felt a sharp pain on my cheek. I cupped my cheek as someone came in front of me, but I was too mad to look up, so I stared at the ground. a hand roughly grabbed my face and turned me to face my "mother" and then she started yelling at me. Instead of listening, I spit at her face causing her to drop me and then kick me in the ribs. I'm sure 3 of them broke from the force and I went flying into the wall. I was pulled up and dragged into a room while being roughly pushed into the chair. at first, just my hands were tied down seeing as I was just a 4-year-old. their first mistake was underestimating me and their second was not tying my feet down. when someone in a white lab coat came over to me I kicked them in the nuts so hard they fell to the ground in pain. This happened for the next 12 years I was locked up and tormented all for their stupid research. When I finally managed to escape, I killed everyone in the building. After I did this it gave me a sinister feeling of being satisfied so for the past 10 years I built up my research and was trying to take over so that everyone could fear me. That's when you came along ruining my plans and my operation. I was going to make every human my slave and every supernatural my army. Then I would officially be labeled the ruler of the entire world. And no one will ever be able to order me around ever again for their personal gain. As she said this the dude I knew was standing outside decided to make himself known. He used a bazooka to blow out the metal door. I have no idea how he even got that as I wiped them all from the earth. He must have used old blueprints to remake a model strong enough to blow through strong metal doors. I didn't move, jump, blink, or even turn towards the door and I think that confused them both enough to stop them in their tracks. I knew she knew how to pick a lock, and I knew she had a tracker placed on her. If I didn't I wouldn't be the best at my job. I made the bazooka disappear and reappear in my collection. This made him almost faint in shock. I smirked at her still not looking at him and I smirked and then my eyes shifted gold. I am now firmly in assassin mode and the only thing that can take me out of it is to kill the people in the room with me. I made a new door appear 10 times stronger than the last one. I made them both walk over to the wall using hypnosis and I locked them both in reinforced silver chains meant for torturing creatures. I smirked once again making my torture tools reappear in the middle of the room.

"Welcome to phase two for you and one for you. Once I'm done you'll wish you stayed hidden in the woods." They both looked at me shocked and fearful knowing how what I'm capable of, and that I knew he was hiding outside. I just smirked ready to end this mission and go home to my mate and pups.

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