mood swings

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Chapter 14

5 months later

Cobras POV

God, I feel like a whale and I look like a house. Everyone says I look fine but thats probably because I'm snappier. Being pregnant is a blessing and a curse. A blessing is that I get to welcome my little bean. A curse being that I snap at everyone and weird cravings. I can tell my mate is hurt by me snapping at him but I know he knows I dont mean it. I love my little baby and my mate with all my heart. They mean the world to me and I couldn't live without them. I seem to be bigger than what I should be for one baby. My mates a little worried so I'm going for a checkup to show him why. I know why because I'm powerful but he doesn't know yet. Oh, I hope he's excited.

Bryans POV

My mate has had constant mood swings every day. It hurts me a little bit because I'm just trying to help but I know she doesn't mean it. She's a little bigger than what she should be and it's worrying me. Every time I ask her she gives me looks that I can't describe. She doesn't seem worried and that confuses me. We are going for a sonogram today to look at our baby and make sure he or she is ok. My mate looks so beautiful pregnant. She has this glow to her and it makes her look like an angel. She's only 5 months along and we have 2 months left. Werewolves have their babies before humans. I go upstairs to see if my mate is ready to go but she's not there. I start to panic until I hear her voice downstairs. Her voice is coming from the pack nursery. I walk down and stand in the doorway watching my very pregnant mate sing to the little pups that seem fascinated by her. She looks up after her song to see me standing in the door and smiles at me. " are you ready to go see the doctor love"

" yes, I can't wait to find out the gender of our baby, she says this while sending me another one of those looks. She walks over to me and grabs my hand practically dragging me down the hall. About 5 minutes later we get to the pack doctors room. We knock and then enter and wait for the doctor.

Cobras POV

Well here goes nothing. After I think this the doctor comes through the door. Lets just hope my mates excited.

Bryans POV

My mate looks nervous for some reason. Its like she knew something but hasn't told me. The doctor puts the gel on her belly and does all the other steps. She says something that nearly has me jumping out my chair for joy.



"Congrats alpha and Luna your having twins. One boy and one girl."

Agent Black CobraWhere stories live. Discover now