(2) Sacrifice (Edited)

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Charlotte's POV

Henry tightened his grip around me making it difficult to breathe, but I didn't dare move. I let the image of our twins set in his mind.

I don't know why I lied to him, again. I keep thinking that I'm protecting him, when in reality I just keep hurting him. In fact, I think I may be driving him over the edge, causing him to lose his sanity. First the rape, then Leigh-Ann and finally Skylar too. I felt him bury his head into my shoulder; a few minutes passed when I felt moisture wet my skin.

"Henry, please talk to me?" I begged

"What's her name Charlotte?" he pleaded

"Skylar-Jewel Lee Hart" I replied

"You gave them my last name?" he asked pulling me unbelievably closer to him.

"Yes, I felt that it was the least I could do since I didn't tell you about them." I confessed.

"Why did you only put Leigh-Ann's name in the note Charlotte?" he questioned "Before you make up some sort of lie...tell me the truth...I'm their father. You can't keep them from me any more. They're my little girls and I deserve to know the truth, NOW!"

"I didn't know about her!" I cried "When I went to the doctor they told me I was expecting one baby girl, not identical twins! She was a complete surprise. It turns out that she was hiding behind Leigh-Ann in the sonograms, so the doctor just assumed that Leigh was going to be a big baby based on the heftiness of my bump."

I paused for a second to wipe away some of my tears, "During the deliver, pushing Leigh out was horrific; sadly that was the easy part. After I gave birth to Leigh, my contractions got worse. The doctor found out nearly hour ten minutes later about Skylar, but I wasn't able to push her out." I started to get choked up thinking about that day.

I felt Henry rubbing circles on my back as his grip loosened a bit, "It's okay Charlotte...tell me"

I took a deep breath and continued "The umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck...she was choking...she couldn't breathe Henry" I sobbed onto his shoulder as all the energy left my body "...the doctor had to perform an emergency c-section. The only problem was that it had to be done that second in order to save her live."

"I felt everything Henry! It was even more painful than giving birth to Leigh-Ann. It was pure torture! I didn't mention her because I don't like talking about the day that they both were born..." I confessed

He pulled back from the hug cupping my face in his hands. "you knew that would happen, didn't you?"

"When they started using the Anesthesia I knew that Skylar didn't have very long, until her chances of survival were wiped out. So, when the doctor checked to see if the effects had finally kicked in. I made the decision to fake unconsciousness in order to increase Skylar's chances...after the first cut, the pain caused me to pass out...but, once they started pulling her out of me I woke up...I couldn't move, I couldn't scream, I couldn't do anything because I was too far gone...I had to endure them ripping our daughter out of my uterus and lay through the pain of stitches before they finally left me alone..."

"You willingly fooled the doctor and went through unimaginable pain just to give our little girl a chance at life." I saw tears leave his beautiful eyes

"It's called sacrifice Henry..." I smile weakly "when a woman becomes a mother, she'll sacrifice anything to ensure her children's safety. Including her own life...I should know, I was willing to sacrifice my comfort/ my LIFE in order to save Skylar. I would have rather died trying to save her, then go on living knowing that I could have done something. One day, you'll understand that a parent would sacrifice the world for their child."

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