(3) Unexpected (Edited)

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Charlotte's POV

I pulled up to the Swellview grocery store with my daughters. They were currently in the backseat of my Toyota, Corolla arguing about who looks better in their outfits. Mind you these girls are identical twins wearing identical outfits. Plus coming from a mom who could pose as a Beauty Queen neither one of them could have a bad looking day. I laughed at my own joke causing the girls to stare at me confused.

"Mommy, what is so funny?" Skylar asked

"Yeah mommy, I didn't tell a joke...Sky did you tell a joke?" Leigh asked

"No Leigh...mommy are you crazy?" Skylar asked worriedly

I laughed, "Mommy is fine sweetie and no I am not crazy. I just thought of something funny honey." I explained smiling at both of the girls "Now before we go into the store. I need to talk to both of you about something important."

"We know mommy, no talking to strangers..." (Skylar)

"And no running off..." (Leigh)

"And no candy!!!!" the girls screamed together causing to me burst out in laughter.

"Okay, while those are important. It's not what I wanted to talk about..." I took a deep breath looking for the right words "Do you remember when you girls remember when ya'll asked about your dad?"

"Yes" (Leigh)

"You said that daddy was not ready to take care of us." (Skylar)

"But, one day he will be and he'll be the best daddy in the entire world!" (Leigh)

I smiled brightly loving how my daughters memorize every conversation we have in full detail; well, the important ones anyway. "that's right girls...well your daddy is finally ready to be a dad. He wants to meet both of you!"

The girls looked at each other and squealed in excitement, "We finally get our daddy!!!"

"That's right now let's go grocery shopping."

-20 minutes later (Inside of the Store)-

"All right girls, so we have everything we need for dinner. What about dessert?" I asked looking down at them.

"I want banna pudding!" Skylar yelled

"No mommy, I want strawberry cheesecake!"

"NO! IT'S MY TURN TO PICK...NO YOU PICKED LAS! STOP IT...STOP DOING THAT! AAAAHHHH!!!" the girls screamed in unison.

Wow they remind me so much of Henry and myself. It's kind of freaky.

"WHO IS SCREAMING?" I heard a familiar voice ask/ yell.

I turned around and saw piper standing behind me along with both of her parents.

"Charlotte...Charlotte Bolton...I haven't seen you in over five years. How are you sweetie?" Mrs. Hart asked

"I-I'm fine. How are you?" I asked trying to hind my nervousness.

"We've been doing great! I heard about your parents moving back, but they didn't tell me you were coming too." Mr. Hart explained

Piper stared at the twins intently, "Hey, who's kids are they?..They look so much like you and Hen-"

I interrupted her, "All right well it's time for us to go. We're running late. Come on girls!"

I sped off with the girls in tow to the check out counter. We were able to get away from the Hart's but not before Skylar yelled, "Who were they mommy?!!"


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