(4) Confrontation

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Charlotte POV
I love my child to death, but I have never wanted to yell at her for her big mouth more than in this moment. Collecting my thoughts I took a few deep breathes ignoring the three gasps that sounded simultaneously behind me.
Skylar pulled my hand trying to get my attention, "Mommy, did you hears me?" she asked "who are they?"

She, along with her sister, forced me to turn around as Skylar proceeded to point at the Hart Family; her family, their family.
"MOMMY!!!" Piper screeched after the long, overbearing silence

"You're a mom!!" Mrs. Hart screamed in shock. Siren, Mrs. Hart, slowly walked towards the girls and I, until she stood directly in front of us. "Is it okay if I look at them?" She asked, but she never looked looked up at me she was staring at the twins with wide eyes.

"Um...I don't think that's a good idea Mrs. Hart. The girls don't talk to strangers." I whispered knowing how wrong it was of me to call her a stranger when in reality she's their grandmother; their flesh and blood. She deserves to know, but I can't find the courage to her-to tell all of them. "Come on girls it's time to go...we have to finish looking for dessert...it was nice seeing all of you!" I gave a fake smile and I weak wave before once again trying to rush out of their presence.

"Mommy wait!" Leigh-Ann shouted stopping me from pulling her and her sister away from three fourths of the Hart family. "She's not a stranger!"

"Yeah, mom...none of them are! Look at their eyes..." Skylar explained. These girls are way to observant for my own good.

"They want to know us mom and they don't want to hurt us." (Leigh) she leaned forward touching Mrs. Hart's face rubbing a small circle with her little hand.

"Strangers want to hurt us and the other strangers don't care about us..." Skylar pouted and walked over to Siren and her sister. "Miss do I know you?"

"No you don't sweetie. We've never met, but you both seem so familiar. I can't figure out why though." Siren continued to stare at the twins lost somewhere in her thoughts.

"Do you know our daddy?" The twins asked as they played with her hair.

"I don't know baby...I'm so sorry!" Mrs. Hart hugged both of the girls hugging them tight. She pulled them off of her and placed her hands gently on Leigh-Ann's face. She stared deeply into her eyes searching for an answer I wouldn't give her. "Why do seem so familiar?"

Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse; Henry Hart decides to join this growing disaster. He walks up to his mom not even noticing my presence as I continued to watch his mom with our girls. "Mom, for the chicken did you want the regular sized wings or the party pack of wings?" He asked standing directly behind them.

"Mom, who are you talking to?" He finally looked up noticing me standing in the background. Once he saw me his eyes widened putting the pieces together. His face quickly snapped to little girls who were hovered around his mother.

Siren let go of Leigh-Ann's face and slowly turned towards her son. She stared at him for a moment, then me and then she finally turned back to the twins. I noticed tears beginning to form in her eyes. I gasped instantly regretting coming to this store today.

Siren wiped her tears away and pulled the girls into one more long hug, "...my grandchildren"

Sorry it was a day late guys, but I wanted it to be perfect. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Like and comment please.

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