Three Kids and Counting

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The girls weren't in the room, I began to panic. Where are they? Where are my babies? I ran downstairs to our dance room/ basement. I walked through the small family room and opened the door to the studio. (Image in media)

"Henry, WHAT THE HELL?" I yelled I couldn't believe what was going on right in front of me. I swear just when your stress levels go down and feel a small amount of peace. Your children's father does something stupid.

Like for instance, my two girls are standing off to the side watching their twenty year old father and his best friend make a fool of themselves. I walked into the room, closing the door behind me. The girls looked up at me and started giggling.

I put my finger up to my lips, "shhhh". They nodded and covered their mouths.

I quickly walked passed the girls and stood in the middle of the room looking at Henry and Jasper dancing in red wigs. Singing Lindsay Lohan's song Rumors as it blared through the speakers. They were doing the exact moves from her old music video. The difference being that Lindsay lohan did not look so ridiculous doing them. As i look around I noticed that they placed posters of Lindsey Lohan over the girls posters of Justin Bieber.

I snuck up behind them and started dancing along, until they finally noticed me when the song ended. unbelievable right?

"Aaahhhh!" they both screamed falling on the floor in the process. I rolled my eyes they are such drama queens. After they stopped their little Queen B session Jasper ran over to the computer and turned off the music.

"Hey Char..." Henry said. trying to play his embarrassment off. The funny part is they both forgot to take off the wigs.

"Stop talking," I told him because the more he talked in that wig the harder it was to contain my laughter. "So, what is this about?"

Jasper jogged over to us, "Well your offspring wanted to show us their dance studio and we we, Henry and I, were appalled to find it littered in Justin Bieber!"

"JUSTIN BIEBER, CHARLOTTE!" Henry screamed waving his arms around.

"Okay...what's wrong with Justin Bieber?" I asked curiously crossing my arms over my chest.

"EVERYTHING, Charlotte! Literally everything!" Henry replied. "So, Jasper and I decided to teach them what real music is all about."

"And, you decided to use Lindsay Lohan?" I asked baffled.

"DUH, keep up Charlotte!" Jasper told me.

"Hmm, interesting," I said "So, how about the girls and I teach you guys a dancing lesson? Come on girls" The walked over to me and stood behind me.

"Char, don't embarrass yourself. I mean how could you possibly beat our performance?" Henry asked.

"Just shut up and play track 26, Hart." I told him as the girls and I put our sunglasses on. It's not Justin Bieber, but we'll defend him later.

(You guys should watch and subscribe to their channel. This mother and daughter duo is amazing.)

"They won Jasper!" we heard Henry say.

"I told you we should have gone with Beyonce!"

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