Chapter 30:

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face that is always on my mind,
A smile I have seen a million times,
Two eyes that would light up the sky at night,
One last battle you could not fight,
The day was long, then night ..........

Now you're gone and I can never forget, the days we spent laughing away, all those distant memories, I will hold forever inside my heart, where together we stand.

<><><><><><><><><><><> Flashback 1<><><><><><><><>

I sat listening to my teacher as she talked away about our upcoming language test. I was currently in spanish class.

"For prepartion for your test I want you to work with the person sitting next to you."

I looked at the person next to me and wanted to kill myself. The school I mean Lizzy was sitting next to me. I hated a lot of people her being one of them.

"I want you to say your name in Spanish, age, where you live and also say something good and something bad about the person sitting next to you." Miss clapped her hands and sat down at her desk typing away on ehr computer.

I turned to face Lizzy who dressed way too old for her age. She craved attention and she was defiantly getting it right now. All the boys couldn't take their eyes off of her which is what she wants and her wish is her fucking command.

She thinks shes 'it'. Like everyone should look up at her and be like;

'OMG I want her body'

'I want her life'

'I want to be her for ever'

'I want her hair and clothes'

Me. I was diffrent to 'everyone else'. I actually had expectations of something normal.


"Let's get this over and done with shall we?" her ever so famous smile was plastered on her sickly covered make-up face.

"Me llamo Chloe, tengo 13 años, Vivo en Inglaterra. A veces puedes ser amable y no me gusta su personalidad."

[My name is Chloe, I'm 13 years old. I live in England. You can be nice sometimes and i don't like your personality.]

I looked at Lizzie who just smirked at me.

"Okay good, now my turn!" She clapped her hands excitedly like a four year old on crack.

"Tu hermano no te quiere en absoluto, te odia! No me gustas tampoco así que tenemos una cosa en común. Tu puta, puta, ramera, buscador de atención, fenómeno suicida y todos deseo vete a la mierda y a morir. Y no te acerques a una dirección porque todo lo que haces es dejar ellos alcanzar sus sueños, puta!"

[Your brother doesn't love you at all he hates you! I don't lie you either so we have something in common. Your a bitch, slut, whore, attnention seeker, suicidal freak and we all wish you would fuck off and go die. And saty away from One Direction because all you do is stop them achieve their dreams, whore!]


 <><><><><><><>Flashback over<><><><><><><><><><><><><><>

I awoke sweating like a pig. That was the third dream!

I wiped my arm across my forehead wiping away my sweat. My heart was beating fast inside my chest. It literally felt like it was going to explode inside of me.

Every nightmare felt like my mind was trying to tell me something, like a story of my past. Buylling seemed to be the main subject. Like it was the thing haunting my brain the most. I let my walls fall down every time I had those dreams.

When i was awake I was on guard of everything around me. When I was asleep my brain takes over doing as it pleases. I felt insecure around myself. That isen't normal!

If I didn't tell someone about these dreams sooner or later, they're just going to keep on happening in my sleep. But how would they react.
They would think that i'm crazy and on crack. They would send me away to a aylsum or something thinking i needed medical attention help!!

This had to be my little secret.


A/N: This is the third nightmare out of 4. One more nightmare to go :D

I seriosuly do not know what the hell i jsut wrote. My figners just typed like half of it without me even thinking about it like what they are doing now. This probably isen't even that bloody long!! AGGH I'm so annoyed.

THANK you to everyone who commented about my profile picture your all amazing my little penguins xoxo

WE BROKE THE VEVO RECORD. 20,456,879 views and coutning that's we call #DirectionerPowerMtFriends. It was announced by Niall's parents and by VEVO officialy at 4pm here in the UK so that would be around 11am I think in America. :D

3 more followers until 170. Please guys if you haven't already please follow. It means so much <3.


One Direction rose to fame on which Tv show?
A) The Voice

B) Britains Got Talent

C) X Factor

D) Got To Dance

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