Forever young

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I know it isn't much but OH MY GOOD LORD GUYS! 90 READS!!!

*does happy dance*
*realises is the only one dancing*
*awkwardly backs away and hides behind corner*

I celebrate by giving you a very special chapter!

You: "And how's this chapter so special?"

Me: "Because this is a chapter I wanted to do for a very long time! I hope you enjoy because it was funny to write c;"


"In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight! Awoooohhhh awoawoa huma mambawee!"

I sing loudly as I trail my fingers over the walls, walking around the room.

I jump a little, touch the ceiling with my finger and then go back to my normal height.

My fingers are making colourful drawings of the sea.

With lots of fishes and octopusses and boats.

Oh! And a manatee!

I like those weird beasts.

They look like they're really badass and stuff but they're actually kinda cute.

They are a bit like Niall.

Because Niall tries to be cool with his snapbacks, sunglasses and tank tops, but actually he's just my cute baby.

"Yeah. My cute baby."

I nod at my own thought, bite my lip, and continue trailing my fingers over the wall.

I draw a colourful manatee, and look at it.

I never knew I was this good at drawing.

I'm almost as good as Zayn.

Nonono! I'm even better.

I bet Zayn can't draw such a cool...such a cool...

What did I draw again?

I look at the wall, and the plain grey stares back at me.

I shrug, and scratch my head.

My beard has started growing, and my hair too.

But I think it's kind of cool.

It's, if you know what I mean.

And I don't know how to shave here.

I don't have a razor or a knife or something.

I don't even have shaving cream.

Haha! Thinking about shaving cream,
I used to hate that when I was younger.

I was 5 or 6 years old, and I thought that the shaving cream was a can of whipped cream.

So I ate a little.

It was horrible.

Yeah, I was a stupid kid.

I still am stupid sometimes.

Yeah, really stupid...

I am sitting on the toilet.

The boys are over, and we're watching a movie together.

Well... I WAS watching a movie.

Until Niall decided Niall.

I wasn't really paying attention to the movie, I don't even remember what movie it was, but that doesn't matter right now.

The thing I was paying attention to, was the hot blonde next to me.

And no... I'm not talking about a blonde makeup-faced bimbo.

I'm talking about somebody's who's REALLY hot.

My best friend.


A guy.

Some people would say I should be ashamed of myself, but I can't do anything about it!

It's not my fault that Niall's so hot!

But moving on...

I was watching him.

His lips were slightly parted, as he was watching the movie.

His hair was tousled because he just woke up.

His beautifully blue...

He looked like a perfect angel again.

And he looked sexy as hell.

He brushed his fingers through his hair, making me bite my lip and feel something twitching.

My body was itching eveywhere, especially on one certain spot.

I looked up to Louis smirking at me.

And I knew I had it again.

Why do I always have this?

I quickly sat up and wrapped my arms around my knees, trying to hide my 'dirty-word'.

You probably already know what I mean.

My boner.

I tried to hide my boner.

I glared at Louis, but he only winked at me and pointed at Niall.

I didn't want to, but somebody was just pulling at my eyes, screaming at me to turn my head and look at him.

So I did.

I didn't want to, I really didn't want to.

But I did want it.

And when my eyes touched him, they couldn't let him go anymore.

They were stuck to him as glue.

So I had to look at him.

I had to take in every part of him and wonder how someone could ever be so beautiful.

So cute and sexy at the same time.

I felt like I was sweating.

I probably was.

My hands were shaking and my insides were exploding from the butterflies.

And then he did it.

He licked his lips.

And that turned me on so bad.

I needed to squeeze my legs against eachother and bite on my tongue.

But that's not even the worst thing.

He turned his head around, and looked at me.

With his bright blue eyes.

"Li are you okay?"

His voice only brought more butterflies into the big fluttering pile in my stomach.

The stupid fluttering pile that ruined my life.

I couldn't even form any normal words anymore.

And then I did the most stupid thing ever.

I stood up, and ran out of the room.

My heart was beating rapidly in my chest.

I could feel my legs shaking.

I could feel the eyes burning in my back.

But before I got out of the room, Harry said one thing:

"He has a boner!"

All the boys errupted into one big heap of laughter, the sound following me.

I ran as fast as I could, and flew into the bathroom, locking the door.

I could still hear the laughter in my ears.

I'm still sitting there now, thinking about what I just did.

I'm so stupid.

I'm so so stupid.

That was just plain embarrassing.

And really really really stupid.

But by thinking about this, I've come to a conclusion.

I think there are two kinds of 'stupid'.

First, you have the 'shaving cream' stupid.

That's the one you don't like at first, but a few years later, it gets funny when you think about it.

Then you start telling it at party's, laughing about how stupid you used to be.

Then, you have the second kind of stupid.

The 'dirty-word' kind of stupid.

You can't tell that to anybody, just because of how ashamed you are.

Every time you think about it, you can feel yourself cringe, and you just want to curl up into a little ball and dissapear.

You at least think about it every week for a few years long.

And every time you think about it, these are your thoughts:

"Remember that time when...?"

"Oh my god I'm so stupid!"

"Nonono! I wish I didn't do that!"

"Why can't I go back in time and tell myself not to do that?!"

"So so so so soooo stupid!"

And lots of more things.

I bite my lip and scratch my fingernails over the stone wall.

It makes a soft noise, and I smile.

A song starts playing around the room, I can feel the bass vibrating on the ground and the walls.

The guitar playing the melody.

Some kind of other instrument playing in the background.

Why don't I even remember what kind of instrument that is?

A big smirk forms itself on my face.

I know there isn't any music.

I know it's all in my mind.

But I still sing along to it.

My voice breaking sometimes.

But that doesn't matter.

Because it's not about how I sing it.

It's all about the lyrics.

"Forever young, I want to be, forever young."

"Do you really want to live forever?"


"Forever young..."

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