Am I alive?

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Guys, this is the last chapter.

I don't want to end this story, but at the same time, I really want to.

Thank you all for reading and everything, it means a lot to me c;

Enjoy the last chapter of *insert cool low tv voice* 'The Room'.

*Gets teary eyes*


I can hear voices coming from around me, slowly waking me up.

Am I dead?

Are those angels?



I can hear the voices everywhere around me.

I try to grasp them, hold them tight, but they keep slipping away from me.

My head feels light, and I feel weird.

But no pain.

No, the pain is gone.

So am I in heaven?

I have never really believed in God, but now I feel like heaven is the only logical option.

Where else can I be?

Death is not a space of nothingness.

It can't be.

There has to be something.

I can feel something pressing down on my chest, and suddenly a large pain goes through me.

There isn't supposed to be any pain when you die!

Am I still alive?

No! I don't want to live anymore!

Please just let me go to heaven!

Another sharp pain goes through my chest as I can feel the same pressure again.

What's happening?

The voices around me become louder and louder, twirling in my head like a whirlwind.

Please stop talking...

The pain comes again, ingulfing my entire body, making me go limp.

Then something happenes.

My breath knockes into my lungs, like somebody just put some air into me.

I can feel my throat getting dry, and my head starts to hurt.

The pain.

I don't want to live in pain.

My heartbeat suddenly bounces back into me, and I start breathing loudly.

Am I alive?

Did somebody find me?

Is Niall here?

My painful lungs bring out shagged breaths, and I can hear everything clearly now.

"He's stable."

A voice comes from close to me, and I slowly start opening my eyes.

My eyelids are painful.

It feels like I haven't opened them in days.

Maybe I haven't.

A light burns brightly through my lashes, and I close my eyes again.

I can't handle what's happening right now.

I'm obviously alive, but what happened?

Did somebody find me, just before Liam- before I killed myself?

That must have happened.

Or maybe Niall was there all along.

I just imagined that he went away, because I went crazy.

And then Niall saved me from myself.

Maybe I imagined this all.

Maybe I'm even imagining this right now.

That's weird to think about.

What is real and what is my imagination?

There's supposed to be a line in between those two.

My line faded.

Everything is just mixing through each other.

Maybe I am dead, but just thinking that I'm alive.

Okay Liam, stop it.

I slowly open my eyes again, the light blinding me for a second, making me blink.

Slowly, the blurry colours flow into each other, making clear pictures.

I'm in a room, laying on a bed.

A man is standing next to my bed, smiling down at me.

"Mr. Payne, it's good to see you awake again." He smiles, and I try to smile back.

I try to, that doesn't mean that it really worked.

"No mister Styles, he needs rest!" A loud voice to my left says.

I turn my head, hurting my stiff neck, and look to my left.

A man is standing by the door, while someone else is trying to get in.



I flinch from his loud screams and cries, and open my mouth.

At first, nothing comes out.

I have a sore throat and everything seems to hurt.

Then my voice comes, sounding unfamiliar to me in a weird way, and I croack:

"Let Harry in..."

The whole room gets silent, even Harry's whimpers stop.


The man by the door looks over to the man next to me hesitately, but then steps away, revealing a broken Harry.

His face is pale, and his eyes are bloodshot.

His lips look almost purple, and his nose is red from crying.

He runs over to me as fast as he can, and wraps his arms around me.

He starts to cry into my shoulder, grasping me tightly, like he's afraid I will slip away any second.

But I'm the one afraid of that.

I'm afraid that he will dissapear, and that I'll wake up in the room alone.

In that horrible place.

I try not to think of that, as I pull Harry closer to me, trying to hold him as close as I can.

"I thought you were going to die!" Harry cries, and I hold him tighter, feeling my own tears rolling down my cheeks.

"I'm not going to die..." I whisper.

I think about how I wanted to die so bad earlier, but push those thoughts away.

I have Harry to care about now.

"T-thank you..." He whispers back, his sobs slowly fading.

I can see the doctor and the other man slowly walking out of the room, leaving us behind.

Harry's sniffles stop, but he keeps me close, just holding on to my body as I hold on to his.

My tears stop rolling down my face, and I sniffle happily, if that's possible.

Harry lets me go, and then looks at me, inspecting my face.

Just like Niall did that one day.

Just like Niall used to do a lot actually.

"What h-happened to m...m-me Harry?" I ask with a shaky voice.

I cannot think of anything else.

I just want to know what happened.

He looks up for a second, like he's trying to find the answer on the ceiling.

"Do you really want to know?"


Haha I'm only joking, not the last chapter yet.

I can't leave you with this cx

But brace yourselves.

The next chapter will really be the last chapter of this story.

But after that I'm starting another.

I already wrote one chapter of 'Dreaming', please check that out?

Thank you c:

By the way, did you guys like 1Dday?

It was literally in the middle in the night in my country. I almost fell asleep.

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