Stay with me.

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Okay, this is really the last chapter, haha c;

Please read my other story 'Dreaming' and comment? I want to know if I should continue it.

This story was supposed to be short, you guys just made it longer.

It's so weird ending this story xc

I just want to thank you all for reading, commenting and voting.

I love you all.

And I know 494 reads isn't that much, but it feels like the FREAKING WHOLE WIDE WORLD to me.

This chapter is dedicated to everybody who reads my story, I LOVE YOU <3

I think you just want to read the story now huh? The last chapter?

Well, go on then...



My mind playing tricks on me?

What is he talking about?

I literally understand nothing he's saying.

"I don't understand what you're-"

"Liam... That room wasn't real."


"Everything was in your head, you've been in a coma all this time. This is the first time you've woken up..."


I don't understand.

Was it all in my imagination?

It can't be.

"You've been imagining it all the time Li."

So I've been imagining it?

But I've been imagining in my imagination.

And I've been imagining in those imaginations in my imagination.

And lots further.

I don't even understand myself.

This is too big.

Too big for my imagination.

Everything starts to spin, and I grab my head with both of my hands.


This isn't the truth!

It can't be!

All those horrible things had been in my imagination?

Does that mean I still have the room in my imagination now?

Carrying it with me.

Maybe I can be taken back any second.

Back in the room of my imagination.

"Liam, breathe..." Harry says nevously.

I grab his shirt tightly, not daring to let go.

" I need to get a doctor or-"

"NO! Stay with me, please!"

Harry just looks at me, debating in his head wether to leave me or stay.

He has to stay.

If he leaves, I will go back.

I will just be alone again.

Harry glances at me for a second, and then slips himself next to me, laying down on the bed.

My heart beats frantacly in my chest, and then I start crying, holding on to Harry for my dear life.

The Room- A Niam FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now