Personality & Social Levels

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No two humans act exactly the same. Each has quirks in their behavior unique to them, what they refer to as "PERSONALITY". They believe being different is good, yet in a confusing paradox they all try to stay the same. Some humans try for many years of their life to be the same as the alphas in social interaction.

Other more quirky humans, especially the female ones, try to stay away from what the rest of the humans call "NORMAL" and let their social ways run wild. These humans seem to enjoy each others company more than the company of other more alpha like humans.

After deciding a social stance, you must chose how you wish to be seen. The alpha female role is harder to obtain but is great for social study or domination. (Note: the males generally seem to all have the same social relationship due to their lower intelligence to females, and it helps them stay on the same social level for the most part) The abnormal relationship is simple, easy to obtain, and you can let your guard down a more, but is not a good place to start dominantion.

The lower levels in the social pyramid include the groups like the "Nerds", "Geeks", and an umbrella term the humans use called "Losers". A loser is the lowest rank in the social system, and it is advised you stay out of it at all costs.

The highest levels in the social pyramid include the "cheerleaders" (female) and "jocks" (male). These two levels are the hardest to infiltrate as well as the hardest to stay inside once you have obtained position. A single mistake on your part will send you spiraling down to the lowest levels, never to once again climb the social ladder.

To claim a place in the hierarchy, try to be generally likeable and "funny". If other humans make short, quick sounds ("laughing") frequently when you speak, this can be a good or bad thing. To establish trust, make sure to show your teeth with the corners of your mouth pointed up ("smiling") at the other humans often. This will make them like you, and make it easier to form a solid place on the social pyramid.

Next, we will elaborate on human age and where that puts you in the educational system.

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