Violence & War

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Humans are the only predators on planet Earth that prey on each other.

Humans fight for entertainment, potential mates, and territory.

The biggest fights between humans are referred to as World Wars. There have been 2 World Wars so far in the course of human history.

There is not much known about World War I to us. It all started in the Earthen year 1914 due to the death of a single human named Franz Ferdinand, and once he was dead the entire section of Earth called "Europe" broke out into a war. The landmass on the other side of the globe, the United States, imposed themselves into the war and brought it quickly to a stop.

World War II began in 1939. It was credited mostly to a human of great power known as Adolf Hitler. Hitler had a particular hatred for a specific race of humans known as the Jewish people. Hitler used labor camps and poisonous gases to kill off these people. Adolf Hitler is recorded to have killed six million people, including but not limited to the Jews.

Smaller wars happen almost all the time. There have been very few periods in history when the Earth was at complete peace, and most of that time took place before the humans had formed advanced societies.

Fighting has always existed among humans. They fight for trivial reasons mostly, and are more subject to fight under the influence of alcoholic drinks which deter their cognitive functions and raise their aggression levels.

Humans have many different types of weapons they fight with. Depending on the intensity of the fight, they will use anything from knives, guns, or simply their fists. Humans at one point dueled with swords (elongated knives) but the use of this type of weapon has fallen in recent Earthen years.

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