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This is my final log on the human race. All in all, I am thoroughly disappointed. The humans seemed a decent species at first glance, but after my in depth study of them I see their true nature.

The human race is disgusting, disgraceful, and useless. They destroy their planet and waste their resources. They focus on unimportant and stupid things. The human race is the most destructive life form on earth.

It is recommended to stay far away from them. Domination is futile on this planet. It will come to no advantage. Humans are fragile, lazy, or incompetent and do not serve as a sufficient army.

I have marked this solar system in my log as condemned. This information will be reported back immediately. Earth and all of the other planets in this solar system are of no use to us.

I will continue my research elsewhere. The time wasted on this useless species is lost. It is time to move on to bigger and better things. Galactic domination cannot wait.

How to Human (Remastered)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora