Im tired

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Ray's POV

I woke up at about three in the morning because the babies was crying already. I guickley stretched and went into the room. Jacob was crying but princess sound asleep. I picked him up and he smelt bad. I chanehd his lil diaper and made him some milk. I sat with him in the rocking chair and he fell asleep but he was still drinking the milk.

I took a glance down at him and smiled a little. I kissed him on his forehead at slept while he was in my arms.

I was almost sleep but he burned. I didn't know what I was doing but I remember her telling me to burb him by patting his back. I held him and my shoulder  and burbepd him. he let out a big burp. I held him in my arms and looked at him.

Ray-hey lil man

Jacob- *grabs his finger and smiles*

Ray-you gone be just like me

Jacob-*sighs and closes his eyes*

Ray- goodnight lil man*puts him in his crib and kisses him on his cheek along with his sister*

I went back into the room and saw Kaylynne peacefully sleep. her hair was a mess but I didn't mind. I kissed her and went and slept in the room with the kids.

_In The Morning_

Kay's POV

I woke up and I felt good. I was so excited to hold them. I had to do my hygein first. I grabbed a new pair of pajamas and went into the bathroom. I took a shower and put my clothes on. everybody was up. I heard them all downstairs laughing and they didn't even know they woke the kids up. I went into the room and Jacob and Aaliyah were crying.

It was kind of funny because Jacob was crying in between his little sleeping moments. I changed Aaliyah's diaper  but Jacob didn't need to be changed. he probably just wanted to see me. I went downstairs and made the milk

Ray-goodmorning* kisses you*

what you doing up so early

Kay well y'all loud laughing woke me up along with the kids and I making them some milk

Keith-why you ain't bring them down

Kay-*sniffs the air* maybe its because y'all smoking

OK I'm Fianna make they milk

Ray-ill help you *grabs the bottles and fills them both up with water*

Kay-wheres the formula

Ray-top left cabinet

Kay-got it four scoopes right


Kay-*puts scoopes in and shakes the bottles * OK I heading upstairs

Ray- can I come with you


*Enters the room*

Kay-ill get Aaliyah *grabs her and gives her the milk*

they are so cute

Ray-why wouldn't they be

Kay-nice point I noticed that Jacob's diaper was empty is that weird

Ray no I changed his diaper at like three this morning so he must've been sleeping with peace all night

Kay-ya don't say I don't remember hearing anyone cry last night

Ray-sometimes  you can be a deep sleeper

Kay-*takes the milk* OK Ali that's enough milk for now

Aaliyah- *mumbles and spitting*

Kay-cute *burps her*

Ray- I haven't held her yet I been with him ever since last night

Kay- I was with both of them when I gave birth to him duh

*chuckles *

Ray-yeah yeah yeah you hungry

Kay-yeah *yawns* IMA stay in here for a while.

Ray-aight call me if you need anything*leaves the room*

Kay's POV

I put Aliyah down and got ready to pick Jacob up but I heard something come from outside. it sounded like a piece of glass being broken . when I looked out the window there was a broken glass bottle and a piece of paper. I thought it was from the neighbors or something.

I took Jacob and A aliyah in the room with me and took a nap with them.(they slept on a blanket in the middle of the bed while she slept at the bottom of the bed so they wouldn't roll off.)


sorry for the long update. my homeless school done gave me three project and the all due on the same day. damn.

votes and comments needed.


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