Okay then

102 2 1

The next day i woke up with another back ache. I had a pounding head ache as well. I walked down the steps to get some water, and the guys were gone, Ray too. This was just making me a little mad. 3 kids, and one parent stays at home while the other parties like he has no responsibilities. The kids were sleep so i made their favourite. Waffles and bacon for Liyah and Jake, and milk for Mannie. After i was finished cooking the house grew stiff and quiet. My whole body began to hurt, so i sat on the couch wrapping myself in the covers. I don't know what it is, maybe its just a cold or something.

My phone began to ring M.I.A by Omarion. No clue who it was. I glanced over and picked up the phone answering it.

"Hello" I said a little drowsy. "Hi, is Rayan There?" A women's voice carried from the speaker to my ear. "No, he is not why?" I said sounding a little frustrated. "Oh well we have a meeting today at 3, i just wanted to check and see if he was still coming" She spoke. "Okay, I'll tell him to call you back"

"Thanks, bye"

I'm just trying to figure out why she didn't call him phone number. Finally, he came in. He walked past as if he didn't see me, and he smelled horrible. What the fuck dude?

He walked to me and leaned to me for a kiss, but rejected.

Ray-What's wrong with you?

Kay-Nothing, I-(gco)

Ray-Then why won't you kiss me? :(

Kay-I don't feel good, and you smell horrible

Ray-Thanks, i love you to. Well how was your day with Liyah yesterday?

Kay-Oh, it was  great. We played games, and i saw Prod and we talked and-

Ray-You saw Prod?

Kay-Yeah, I told you last night, remember?

Ray-When-I mean you did?


Ray- Oh

Kay-Oh Ray, some lady called for you

Ray-Oh okay

-Awkward Silence-

2 hours later

I felt better just a little bit. I cooked some dinner for the kids. Ray was to busy on his phone so i guess he won't get a plate. I gave them macaroni with fried chicken and string beans. I decided to give a little to Mannie to see if he'd like it. They sat at the table and ate while i fed him. He just kept smiling and laughing.

All i could do was the same. I fed him and he made the face like "Why?" Then he looked down and chewed it and smiled again. Surprisingly he loved it. Getting him to eat the chicken was a little challenging. I cleaned him up and he dozed off to sleep.


Kay-Yes little one?


She was now jumping up and down and she was filled with joy obviously. We were laughing until..


The door slammed and she held on the her  purse as her smile faded away. She twisted her foot and blinked her eyes fast. She began to cry. She ran to me and cried in my arms.

Aaliyah-Mommy, all he does is yell. He's being a big fat meanie

Kay-I know baby, I know

She cried herself to sleep and i left her on the couch with her brothers who were watching Tv, or sleep. I stammered up the stairs and opened the door. He was still on the phone. He must have a secret because when i came in, he jumped and hid his phone.

Kay-What the fuck is wrong with you?


Kay-Then why'd you yell at her like that? God Ray, she's only 3


Kay-So? She's your only daughter, and your taking her for granite right now. You need to apologize

Ray-Hell no, I'm on the phone, she shouldn't be screaming like she stupid or something

Kay-On the phone with who?

Ray- My side hoe

He looked up at me and widened his eyes. He covered his mouth and stood up. I looked down and snickered under my breath.

Kay-So that's where you've been when your not at home?


Kay-Wow, i guess i wasted my time. I told you if you slipped up again, you knew what it would lead to. You probably broke a promise to huh?

He looked at me with an innocent face and i rubbed my temples sighing.

Kay-You bastard

I walked out and he grabbed me. He grabbed me like Princeton. Like he was  going to hurt me.

Kay-Rayan Lopez-

Ray-I love you

Kay-You know what, you shouldn't fill my head with lie's you know. If you didn't like me, you should have told me that when i asked you when we were at the hotel. The truth hurts, but i would have gotten over it, just like I'm over you. When you came home, i offered you love because i missed you, but you rejected and spoke to me like I wasn't your wife.

Ray-Kaylynne, I do love you. You know that. You know I've  done things, and I've never meant to let it happen. But when i see Aaliyah's eyes, i realize what wrong ive done. She's my only daughter, yeah i know that. And she looks just like you.

Kay-Then why cant you snap out of it when your looking at my eyes?

            ტ                    ტ


Wow.This might be the end for Kaylyne and Rayan Smith.

What do you think.





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