The Struggle

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. I still felt sick but I didn't stay there. I tried to get up and many of my attempts failed. I heard the downstairs door close and figured it was Ray. He came up the stairs and opened the door. He approached the kids, but he looked different. He had on black everything and his face wasn't shown I saw that afro and realised it was Princeton. "Don't you touch them",I yelled. He grabbed the both of them and left the room. I crawled out of bed and went after him even though my body was weak. I grabbed the back of his jeans and pulled as long a I could.

Princeton-Kaylynne, get off of me

Kay-Put my kids down

Princeton-Do you know who your talking to

Kay-Put my kids down

He continually asked me questions an My only words were put down my kids. He got mad and my heart dropped. He let go off the both of them and they fell onto the ground. I was speechless and tears were surrounding my pupils. I screamed and I was scared.  

"You said put them down". He said with a smile. I looked at him in disgust and just asked him why. He left I I grabbed my child's both in my arm. There eyes were still closed and I couldn't feel any pulses from neither one of them. They were gone. Right in my arms. I cryed and held onto them an screamed with all of my might. I heard someone calling out my name.


I heard the kids crying as loud as they could. But before I had heard screaming but I figured it was our tv. I heard it again and again and the tv wasn't on. I went into the kids room and she was lying there screaming and her face was soaked in tears. I called her name numerous of time until she finally woke up. She was having nightmares again and I feared for her life. Whatever it was let her no something was going to happen. I grabbed the kids and fed them and tried comforting her but she stayted to herself. She lyed in my arms and confessed.

Kay-Princeton came and took them and I couldn't get up because I was sick and I chased after him and told him to let them go and he did but he dropped them and they were gone.

Ray-Babe, it was just a dream. Look Aaliyah and Jacob and right here with us. There one hundred percent alive ok. He's not going to get to them okay?


Ray- Get some sleep, you gotta work tomorrow.

Kay-Okay goodnight, Can you wake me up at seven thirty tomorrow.

Ray-Yeah, you don't want to come sleep with me.

Kay-I guess I can

_Next Morning_


I woke her up at seven thirty like she asked and when I went in the room to check on the kids they were already up. I don't know how long they were up but I grabbed them and put them in their baby bouncers downstairs and watched them. I played with them for a while and Aaliyah was something else. I could tell she was going to be just like mommie. She smiles just like her and her eyes are the same as hers. I occupied them with some toys and opened the door and made some breakfast.(He opened the door so the smoke wouldn't stay in the house.)


I woke up as planned and lyed my clothes for work down on the bed. I grabbed my undergarments from my drawer and showered. After I got out I dryed off, lotioned up, and put on my clothes. I washed my face and brushed my teeth and clarified my hair. Working at khols can be fun because sometimes we get new items for free and we get paid a lot. I believe I get paid fourth dollars per hour. I sprayed on my perfume, grabbed My purse and went downstairs with Ray and the kids.

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