How Could You

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I woke up at about ten in the morning. The kids were up but Ray wasn't. After what happened last night, I've been scared ever since and it makes me sick to know that he goes behind my back and smokes that stuff. I made some waffles and bacon for the kids and I. They didn't have school today because the school board was having a meeting. Ray came downstairs and I huffed. He crept to the kitchen touching all over me acting like he cant remember what he did last night.

Ray-Hey babe *Holds your waist*

Kay-Ray get away from me

Ray-What did I do

Kay-You hurt me,badly

Ray-How, is this about me yelling at you because-

Kay-No it's not about yelling yesterday, Ray you called me out of my name and you abused me. Your the reason I have these bruises on my arms. You were smoking nd you and I both know what happens when you smoke. Question is where did you get it


Kay-Ray answer me

Ray-I got it from Raymond

Kay-Touch me again and were getting a divorce

Ray-Kaylynne I-

Kay-Rayon, I don't want to hear you ok, I said what I had to say, I hope you know how to learn from your mistakes

It's really sad that he remembers who he got it from but he can't remember what he did last night. I finished cooking and fed the kids and myself. I ignored him for a while but I felt bad. He looked so innocent and I couldn't take it anymore but I still ignored him. I hate it when I act like this cause it makes me feel guilty, I feel like no one's going to make a mistake but then at the same time he knows that smoking is like the number one rule I hate. If he's in my house he has to live under my rules. Sorry, but that's how it goes. I walked upstairs leaving Ray and the kids downstairs. I went into the room and put my charger on the phone.

Rays coat fell so I picked it up and a folded piece of paper fell out. I unfolded it and looked at the dates. It was happening to quick I mean he just got home. I stomped downstairs and told the kids to go to their room.

Kay-*throws the paper on his lap* When we're you planning on telling me

Ray-Babe I-

Kay-First you smoke behind my back, and now I find this piece of information, are you scared to tell me

Ray-Yeah, I am


Ray-Because of your reaction

Kay-So you don't think I'm worthy to be told

Ray-I do but-

Kay-Oh right, that last minute shit ok I see how it is. I tell you everything, things I'm not proud of, and you don't trust me, that's sad. Ever since you met Raymond you've been acting different, you better hope you can save your marraige in time.

Ray-Damn Kaylynne, cant you let me explain my self

Kay-There's only one thing I need to know, do you trust me

Ray-*silent then sighs*

Kay-*stares in his eyes* That's your answer


She stormed up the stairs leaving me downstairs once again. She was getting on my nerves. So what I had a blunt, even though I did some things. She asked questions and wouldnt give me a chance to answer. That question in particular buzzed me. Of course I could trust her

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