I cant do this

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I had woken up with Princeton's arms wrapped around me. I had forgotten everything that happened, it was just a blurr. My stomach was hurting and so did my throat. I thought it was bad cramps. I tried to slip out of his grasp, but he held on to me tight. I woke him up and told him to move. I looked down, and he was naked, and so was i. I started to cry because I had forgotten what happened, I'm married for God's sake. I ran to the bathroom and began throwing up. I know exactly what it was, but I'm hoping it's not what I'm thinking it is. After I finished, I could barely stand. My legs began to cramp up all over. I fell to the floor looking at Princeton as he lyed in my bed. I felt humiliated, mad frustrated, and a whole lot more. I grabbed some shorts and a tank and I scooted down the steps and sat in the corner. I waited for Jacob to come in nd he finally did.


Kay-Jacob...help me*sniffs*

Jacob-What's wrong

Kay-Hes here

Jacob-Who kaylynne

Kay-Princeton, I can't remember what happened but I think I'm pregnant, all I know is I woke up and we were named in bed *crys* Jacob, whats Ray gonna say, hes gonna think I cheated on him

Jacob-Ray is not that dumb to think you cheated on him espicslly with Princeton, where is he

Kay-He's upstairs,don't go up there he's too dangerous


Jacob sat with me and I fell asleep on his shoulder. I heard feet stomping and my head fell. I woke up and I saw Princeton punching Jacob. I couldn't get close because I was afraid he would touch me. He picked him up by his collor and threw him down on the floor. I crawled over to Jacob and held onto him. He was so bloody, from top to bottom. I cradled him in my arms and Princeton walked towards us. All I did was look up at him. I didn't bother to break the silence. He pulled me off of Jacob. My baby brother. He arm was across my stomach and I was suddenly weak. I fought to escape his grasp but I couldn't do it any longer. I couldn't breath. It made me think. My life feels short, what about Ray and the kids. If I die, he'll find another and my kids will be calling her mommie. I cryed and and stared at Jacob.

Kay-I'm, im pregnant

His grasp left me and he looked at me. He looked at me with mixed emotions, he would stare, look surprised, then laugh. I acted like a suck up towards him for now. I stood up and hugged him while his hands went towards my but. I wanted to kill him so bad.

Kay-Take Jacob to the hospital and, and I'll do anything for you

Princeton-I believe you, ok stay here I'll take him and buy you some lingerae

Kay-I kissed Jacob's forehead before they left.

After they left I took a quick bath. I had forgotten to put on my leg brace and that's one of the reasons why my legs hurted and I felt weak. I picked up my computer and Rah was calling. I didn't know what to say but tell him what happened.

Ray-Kaylynne, are you ok

Kay-No, I think we had sex and I might be pregnant, Ray I'm sorry I can't remember anything that happened, please don't leave me

Ray-Babe, I would never leave you, you can't remember me calling you last night

Kay-You called, I can't Ray, my body hurts bad, I need you here so bad

Ray-I'll be there soon you can hold on, for me I love you, I have to go I'll call tonight

Kay-Don't go *touches the screen*

Ray-I love you Kaylynne

Kay-I love you t-to

He hung up and so did I. I heard the door open. I quickly put on my leg brace, grabbed the gun, and went in the bathroom and locked the door. I stayed quiet and turned off the light.

Princeton-Kay, where are you


When I got in it was quiet. I went in the room and she wasn't in there. if she escaped I swear I'll find her and kill her. I looked everywhere and I called Tristen, yes tristen.

Tristen-So this is where she moved

Princeton-I need you to help me find her

We began looking around and we saltwater to check every door and we stumbled upon a locked door.

Tristen-Aye bitch, guess who it is


I heard to voices. It was Princeton and Tristen. Two of a kind. I sat on the floor and they banged on the door. I held the gun close. Ray hadnt taught me how to use a gun yet so I had no I saw but I saw a trigger, so I probably have to pull it or something. Tristan kicked open the door and it fell on me. He removed it and I looked at the both of them in discust. I Pointed the gun and hesitated. Tristan snatched it and I crawled past quickly and he grabbed my arm tight. He climbed on top of me.

Tristen-Why'd you run away, you were scared weren't you


Tristen-Answer me bitch

Kay-I, I...

Tristen-That's not the right answer

He stood up and I heard two gunshots. I looked down and my stomach had ben shot in the middle of my stomach an on my side. I was pregnant. I cryed in pain and Ray wasn't here to protect me, nor Jacob.

Princeton-Why'd you tucking shoot her


He shot her. He shot my baby mama. I knelt down and held her head on my lap. As she held her stomach I wrapped towels around her to help stop the bleeding. I pressed my hand against hers on her stomach and she lifted up her hand. It shook uncontrollably and she cryed hard.

Tristen-Why the fuck do you care

Princeton-Because she's pregnant with my baby, what the fuck is wrong with you, if my kid Is dead, I'm gonna kill you get the fuck out.

He left and I called an ambulance. They put her on a stretcher and I got in the car with her. She had on the breathing machine. I held her hand and she looked at me. He heart beat began to slow down. I started crying and the car slammed on the breaks and she hit her head hard. Then she stopped breathing. I couldn't live with my self, I killed her, the mother of two kids, she was soon to have mine.

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