Chapter 4: The cure to bloodlust? Kill, of course! (Youkai's POV)

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“So what do you want?” I sighed. She had won and as a respectable demon, I couldn’t go back on my word. 

“Just a favor,” she smirked.

“Okay,” I said skeptically. “What do you need?”

“Not now! I’ll eventually think of a something,” she winked. I groaned.

“You’ll put me through a bunch of shit, huh?” I asked. She nodded and smiled wickedly at me. I rolled my eyes and groaned again. There was a tap at my shoulder and I turned to see a couple of guys staring at us. I looked down at my dress. It was a floor length black halter dress with a slit going up the side, exposing my long, hairless legs that ended with my stiletto covered feet. The neck line was low, exposing as much as I could without showing everything. My hair was pinned up elegantly and my bangs hung in front of my right eye and I looked at the boys seductively. “Why hello there,” I smiled and giggled, making sure my blood red lips moved gracefully as I did so. I saw Fae roll her eyes. 

“Hey, can I get you a drink?” one of them asked. He had a nice black blazer on her shoulders and a white button up was under that, unbuttoned a quarter of the way. On his legs were some new, expensive, dark jeans and a pair of dress shoes covered his toes. He had messy brown hair that hung in his face, making him seem sexy and mysterious. His fluffy pink lips were inviting. He was awfully handsome for a human.

“Oh thank you,” I giggled flirtatiously. “Strawberry daiquiri, please.” He kissed my hand and nodded.

“Of course,” he said as he walked away, his friend in tow.

“He’s smooth,” I said, pressing my lips into a thin line of frustration.

“His friend’s just as smooth,” Fae commented. They were back quickly with our drinks. I sipped on mine and the sweet frozen drink trickled down my throat.

“Delicious,” I smiled.

“Care to dance?” he asked. I nodded and put down my daiquiri. We made our way to the dance floor where loud pop music was blasting from the stereos-not my favorite type of music but tolerable.

Last Friday night! Yeah we danced on table tops, and we took to many shots, think we kissed but I forgot! Last Friday night!

I recognized the song and he turned me around so my back was to him. He grabbed hold of my hips and started rubbing against me. I quickly got the gist of the dance and rubbed back. I shook my hips and another person was dancing against my front side. My blood lust was rising and I turned to look at the guy. I had to get him alone somehow… Just how? I ground our front sides together and felt his member. I gasp and he smirked down at me. I could see the lust in his eye and the ring on his hand. I smirked back and made my lips meet his. We stopped dancing and kissed on the dance floor, squished together by the sweaty dancing bodies. He took my wrist and ran me to the closest bathroom. Real classy. He kissed me roughly and pressed himself against me.

“Tell me,” I huffed as I pushed his lips away. “What is a guy like you doing here?”

“Answer me this, honey,” he said avoiding my question. “Tell me what an angel like you is doing here in Sin City.” I narrowed my eyes at him. This was just what I needed.

“People always make that mistake,” I lied. This is my first time being on Earth. No human, spirit, angel, or other demon has made that mistake. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

“What mistake?” he asked.

“I’m not a fucking angel,” I spat. A knife materialized in my hand and I jabbed it into his stomach and ripped the deepest and bloodiest gash through his stomach. A scream grew in his mouth and I covered it with my hand, placing a steel grip on his jaw. “Learn from your mistakes. I’m not an angel, I’m a demon.” With that I crushed his jaw and with my hand, the bone turning to dust and falling through my fingers. “Don’t forget me.” My hands stained with blood and I groaned. I walked to the sinks and scrubbed my hands until the blood washed off. I waltzed out, not caring about fingerprints since we demons have none-instead we leave around an odor and a thin, microscopic goo that humans don’t see. As I walked by the bar and told Fae that we had to go, I picked up my daiquiri and walked out the front door.

“What the crud did you do? What happened to that guy?” Fae asked in an angry tone.

“He was turned on, when he’s turned on that turned on my bloodlust. I couldn’t control it,” I smirked.

“You sicken me,” she growled as she walked past me.

“This shade of red isn’t made by chemicals, Fae! I got to make it someway! C’mon Fae, don’t be like that! A demon’s got to do it every once in a while. It’s been years since I’ve killed someone, I promise!”

“It doesn’t matter! You just killed that man! Oh dear Lord,” she muttered.

“Oh damn, it was a bloodbath too,” I moaned. “The bathroom was stained with that beautiful red! Ugh! The next bastard who goes in there is lucky! So much of that beau--,” Fae snapped her fingers and my lips were sewn together. I scratched at my mouth, trying to free myself from the string but it was strong and tied tight-I’m sure it looked like duct tape or I just was quiet to the humans. Muffled words were made by me and Fae glared at me.

“I was tired of hearing that! That was disgusting! I’ve never been sicker in my entire life! You’re vile, Youkai!” she spat. I pulled some paper out of a man’s hand and his pen as I chased after the swift moving angel. I shoved the paper in her face, making her halt. 

You know you love me! I’m a demon! What do you expect! And I’m a young demon! I can’t be good all the time! I can’t control my urges. Just enough to not expose us to the living… forgive me?

Our eyes met and mine were pleading. She sighed and nodded.

“I forgive you,” she muttered. I cheered silently and jumped. “Just no more killing around me, or describing anything blood related!” she ordered. I nodded and with a snap of her fingers, my lips were released from their strong hold. I rubbed my jaw.

“Can we go buy some dresses! I have a ball tomorrow night,” I groaned.

“That sounds fun! Can I go?” she asked with a grin. I scrunched up my face in concentration.

“I don’t know… an angel in Hell? They’ll know what you are in an instant; it’s start I whole ruckus and I’d get in so much trouble!” I told her. She looked at me with pleading eyes. She was an angel, I couldn’t resist that face! Just cause I’m a demon, doesn’t mean I have no soul or feelings! We’re just like regular people, just a lot darker. “I’ll figure something out,” I finally sighed.

“Yay!!” she cheered. “What’s the ball for?”

“Lucifer’s sons and daughters, it’s their birthday, same day all different years,” I informed her.

“How many children does he have?”

“Technically, all demons are his children but his he’s got four boys and three girls he calls his own,” I said. She nodded. “To the mall?” She nodded again.

“To the mall!” she shouted and grabbed my wrist before dragging me off to the mall.

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