Chapter 12: Anger, Jealousy and Everything In Between (Youkai's POV)

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Kon'nichiwa Readers, 

I'd just like to say, thank you for reading our story! It means alot that you're even reading it. On that note, we-the two girls of thosechicks-would really appreciate a few votes here and again, or even some comments. That's why we aren't posting the next chapter until this chapter has 15 comments, or 7 votes, or 30 reads. 

Thank you,

Juliet K. Capuliet and Wednesday P. Nevar 

I stood there awkwardly as Drake and Fae kissed. She stopped pushing and she seemed to relax in his hold. I watched as her hands moved up to his neck, and realized I was watching them make out. My cheeks heated up and I turned to walk out, but ended up running into Jace. I groaned and rubbed my face in annoyance. Him and his steel stomach, who the hell stands behind someone like that?! He looked at me pouting.

“Why can’t our fights be like that?” he pouted.

“Like what?” I challenged.

“Like that! Where we end up with our tongues in each other’s throat!” He half shouted. Fae pulled out of Drake’s hold and her cheeks flamed. I rolled my eyes and punched him in the shoulder. He scowled and rubbed it.

“’Cause you’re the biggest idiot around, and I DON’T LIKE YOU!” I said the last part loudly and slowly.

“You’ll grow too like me, I swear,” he stretched and winked. I groaned and looked at Fae.

“Um, so, um, are, what’s going on with you guys?” I stumbled. They shared a look.

“We need to talk,” she sighed. “Like alone.”

“Alright, just don’t kill her Drake,” I said.

“And don’t give the poor girl any of your STDs!” Jace shouted as I pushed him out. I hit him over the head with my shoe.

“He doesn’t have any STDs, Jace!” I growled.

“Yeah, you would know,” he muttered. I hit him again. “You’re so violent, Kai!”  He pouted.

“Only with you, Jace, only with you…” I muttered as we left Fae and Drake to their talking too. “So, you didn’t tell anyone like you promised, right?” I asked.

“Yeah, Kai! I told you not to worry! As long as Drake’s not all depressed anymore, you know he went all over Hell, looking for a chick who fit that shoe, the bad ass on Fae left, but of course no on fit it. It was a dumb way to find out who owned it if you ask me.”

“Well, that’s his fairytale life,” I shrugged.

“Want to know what’s my fairytale life is?” he smirked.

“Go ahead, humor me, Jace,” I said flatly.

“My fairytale life is me… you… and lots of children!” he grinned. My heated up but I laughed at him all the same.

“That is a true fairy tale,” I chuckled.

I slipped on my shoe that I hit Jace with and shimmied into my pull-over hoodie before waltzing down the steps of the palace.

“Where are you going?” Jace asked, grabbing my wrist.

“Home, to change out of my sneakers and into some comfy boots!” I smiled. Aiden and I were going for a walk in the woods.

“Why?” he asked skeptically.

“To go for a walk,” I replied, turning towards him to glare.

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