Chapter 1: The Marking

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The Alpha's Omega: Chapter 1: The Marking

               One by one we were to accepted our marks. Jay was to go first to show us how a 'perfect' whelp should receive it. We were ushered into the pack's ritual tent and seated around the fire. Everyone but Jay tried in vain to cover ourselves but quickly halted when the pack's leader gave us the look. We were to remain unclothed since we came into this world with nothing and we were technically welcoming the birth of a brother pack. Jay was chosen to become our new Alpha and we were to follow his every word like a puppet. I on the other hand, was awarded the position of Omega. It wasn't the greatest position - heck, I would have preferred to remain in the pack I was born into. The act of leaving everything you knew to start over under a new rule was terrifying and the thought of loosing everyone you know and love was debilitating but this was the way of the pack. 

"My children, we have gathered here today to witness the miracle of birth. Our pack will be stronger with the new life and our enemies will grow weaker." The leader began. Prior to the ceremony, five boys were chosen to take on the roles of Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Omega. Imagine my mother's surprise when her precious baby boy was one of them. "These pups were born for their marks and now we are here to witness their rebirth." I located my mom among the pack - her eyes were red and dry as if she had been crying for hours nonstop. I hated to see her cry. "I'm greatly honored that the position of Alpha was passed to my son and I expect him to be a great leader." With that, he stepped down and the ceremony was to begin. My heart pounded harshly against my ribs and beads of sweat began to stick to my forehead.  

The elders stepped up to the fire and chanted as they dropped in herbs, changing the flame's color to purple, blue, and green. When I was younger and I would witness this event I was mesmerized by the show but I never imagined I would be sitting here - not now. "A child's life is precious and a mother must do everything to protect it - even giving her own life if necessary." An elder woman started. She looked over at us and smiled, "I assisted in these boys' birth and over the years, have looked after them as if they were my own. Now, I am proud to see them growing into such wonderful young men." I didn't want to 'be a man.' I was barely sixteen and I still depended on my mother. Jay, Mark, Mathew, and Steven on the other hand were different - they were all eighteen and ready to begin their own families.  

Each of the elders placed an iron stamp into the fire, the metal sizzling at the immense heat. This was the part I was dreading - apart of starting the new pack was the brandings. The marks left behind were awarded by the spirits and were different for each rank but each covered the tender skin over our hearts. In a way, they tied us to our Alpha. My dad had been the Beta of our pack so my being the Omega of my own, in it's way, was shameful. I couldn't imagine his disappointment if he was here with us now.  

The iron began to glow an unearthly red and I knew it was only a matter of time. I could see Mathew from where I sat, he was jumpy and ready to run. We were going to receive the marks whether we were doing it willingly or not - the only thing at stake was our dignity.  

                Jay was summoned to the podium and took his place without hesitation. This was expected of the future Alpha, it was a shamed act to put up a fight when you were given such a high honor. A solution was wiped over his chest to ensure the area was clean and thoroughly dried before the branding stick was lifted from the fire. The revolting smell of cooked flesh filled the room as it was pressed to his skin. He tensed and bit his lip, his eyes watering momentarily before he closed them. I wanted to make them stop, they were hurting him and I hated to see people I cared about being hurt. I've liked him for years but never told anybody because I was expected to carry on the family name and I couldn't do that with another boy. They threw the iron aside, leaving an angry red mark behind.

The last elder rubbed a mixture over the new scar, designed to dye it dark as the midnight sky. "Our new Alpha is born and now will carry on as our brother pack." They announced as he moved to take his seat. They repeated this process until only I was left.  

                Unlike the others, I was already shamed and had no reputation to protect, although, the start of a new pack means a clean slate. I hesitantly walked to the podium, the elders welcoming me warmly. They cleaned my chest with the soap solution and everything seemed to slow down immensely. 'Mom!' I mouthed as the iron was brought to my skin. Black blotches darkened my vision as I cried out. The audible hiss filled my ears and my back involuntarily arched. One of the elders held their hand over my mouth to quiet my screams as the darkening mixture was rubbed over my already charred skin. This wasn't worth a new start, I would've preferred to just stay.  

"Our new pack is born!" Everyone began to cheer as the other four boys made their way over to me. Jay held out his hand and I took it, bowing my head slightly to show my thanks and respect as his new subject. 

"The Omega brings shame!" Someone screamed, alluring everyone's gaze to me and my mark. The iron used was flat but the design that charred our skin was chosen by the spirits and showed the true greed of our heart. My old pack leader pushed passed the boys that now surrounded me. 

He gazed at the marking, his eyes as gaping as his mouth. "What kind of blasphemy is this?!" I yelp and he grabbed my arm and pulled from the group. He aimed for where my mother had been standing, only to find that she had disappeared. "Charlotte, step up now!" Everyone continued to stare at me with judging eyes and all I wanted to do was slip away. "Charlotte!" My mom didn't appear. 

"Demon child! He bares the dark mark!" My branding consisted of a half moon and a spider facing south - I didn't see what was so wrong about it... "The spirits are angry, sacrifice him!" Would they really kill me over a mark.  

"No!" I screamed, terrified of the fact that my life was in jeopardy and everyone seemed to be reaching for me at once. "Let me go!" I struggled against the leader's grip. "You can't so this to me!" Suddenly, I was hit behind my knees and forced to the ground. "Mom!" He grabbed the front scruff of my hair and one of the elders tied my hands behind my back with a spare strip of leather. A scarification bowl was placed under me as a knife was brought to my throat.  

"Stop!" Jay yelled and pushed his was through the crowd. "I hope You're not planning to slaughter my Omega - he no longer belongs to this pack." He spoke in the new Alpha's voice. I cringed slightly at his authority. "Release him." 

"Son, you do not understand -"  

"I understand plenty. He is my responsibility and I will not let him be killed by anyone else's hands but mine." The knife that had been pushing into my throat dropped. Jay knelt down next to me and untied my hands. "Stand up." I hadn't realized how bad I was shaking until I was forced to stand on my own. Mark, Mathew and Steven had come to stand by me, awaiting for further instructions from Jay.  

"You don't understand what blood runs through his veins son." He pushed again. 

Jay approached his dad with determination. "I do understand. He may not be full wolf but the blood still runs none the less and he can't be punished for his mother's doing." This seem to take him aback.  

"In that case - good luck. The rest of your pack is waiting by the territorial launch." With that he walked out and everyone gradually followed him.



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The Alpha's Omega (Alpha/Omega Book 1/3) [Boy/Boy] - 2012Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin