Chapter 5: Fire Wielder

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The Alpha's Omega: Chapter 5: Fire Wielder

               I tossed beneath my blankets, unable to find a comfortable spot. "I give up." I kicked the blanket off me and exited the group tent. The fire was now nothing more than burned embers that floated freely in the night's wind. I walked through the tents and attempted to find that clearing and the boy I had punched out of the tree. I was practically blind in unlit dark, feebly feeling my way around.  

"Need a light?" He hung from a nearby tree branch, shadows resting across his angled face from the small flame that danced against his open palm. 

"You're on fire!" I screamed, not seeming to be able to look away. 

He dropped to his feet, the flame untouched. "I'm not 'on fire.'" He mocked before closing his open fingers. The area around us darkened. "I can generate fire." He clarified. The air lit up again and I was able to make out the cocky smile plastered over his lips. "Aren't you supposed to be asleep right now?" 

"I couldn't." I shrugged and walked passed him. "What about you?" 

"I don't require much Zzzzz." He laughed and disappeared into the tree tops again, taking the light with him. 

I looked around in the dark, "Do you really have to do that?!" 

"Do what?" 

"That whole tree swinging thing, what do you think you are - a monkey?" 

He laughed again and swing down in front of me. "I'm not swinging. I'm gliding." He boasted before pulling himself up.  

"Whatever." I growled and collapsed on the ground, my feet halting within inches of the icy river. "Who are you anyway?" 

He sat down next to me, sliding off one of his knee-high combat boots and transferring the fire to it. "Pyronethesis - but you can call me Pyro."  

"Makes sense - you are a fire wielder." He laughed at my comparison. "Why are you burning your boot, anyway?" 

"I'm not. My boot is merely acting as a place holder."  

"What can't you do?!"  

"A lot of stuff I -" Our attention was called away to the trees, a gentle rustling running through the night. Pyro quickly grabbed his boot and shot into the canopy overhead.  

"Lauren?!" Jay walked into the clearing, his chest bare. 

My eyes traced his chiseled abs and perfectly tousled hair. "Alpha!" I lightly tipped my head in respect. 

"You don't have to do that for me." He was definitely not like any other Alpha. "What are you doing out here by yourself?" 

"I couldn't sleep." There was no use in lying. 

Jay moved closer to me, his arms coming up around my waist. "Maybe this will smooth your mind." He pushed his lips to mine forcefully.  

"What are you doing!?" I mumbled against him. "You've imprinted!" 

He smiled slyly. "I had to. She's carrying my pup!" He whined and held me closer.  

"Get away from me." My vision was hazy and I had to bit my lips so the tears wouldn't fall. 

"But Lauren -" 

"No! I'm not a back up, I'm not someone you can keep on the side!" I took a few steps away from him, not wanting to be within arms' length.  

"Lauren!" His eyes widened but I didn't want to hear what he had to say. 

"Please Jay just -" My foot slipped and I was casted into the frozen water. The river engulfing me and my muscles freezing upon contact. Jay ran to help me but I was already being carried away by the current. I was swallow mercilessly. Water lapped over my face, blocking out any form of oxygen. My toes and finger burned, along with my lungs that sloshed with liquid. I choked, only to breathe in more water.  

A bright light shown off the water's surface then a figure plunged in after me. I flailed in the water but I was still kept under.  

                "Breathe Lauren - Breathe!" Hands pumped my chest before forcing air into my body. My eyes shot open as my chest heaved and I coughed up the dark liquid. "He lives!" They cheered as their hand slapped against my back to help my choking.  

"P - Pyro?" My eyes adjusted until I could make out his facial features. 

"The one and only - you okay?"  

I took in a deep breath, my lungs feeling like daggers. "Yeah, thanks for pulling me out." My hair was plastered to my forehead by the mixture of sweat and river water, my clothes soaked and freezing.  

"You can't swim, can you?"  

"No. I fell in when I was little and have been scared to try ever since." I sat up and pulled my legs to my chest, the night's air chilling me down to my bones.  

"Here, this fell out of your pocket." He held the amulet in his hand, dangling from his fingers.  

I grasped it limply, "Thanks." I wasn't sure what it was about the little metal object but it caused a jolt of electricity to run through me every time it came in contact with my skin, the chain itself forbidding. "Pyro, is this my dad's pendent?" He looked at me with a look that mixed almost every human emotion.



This is it for a while. :( School is startign up again and I won't have much time so until then --- :D

The Alpha's Omega (Alpha/Omega Book 1/3) [Boy/Boy] - 2012Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum