Chapter 17: A Kiss

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The Alpha's Omega: Chapter 17: A Kiss

Lauren's POV

               I was flying. My feet weren't touching the ground and the only thing that was holding me up was me...I slowly touched back on stable ground and everyone began clapping. 

'Am I done now?' I ask impatiently. 

'Yeah.' I dropped back down next to Niro and examined his back. The sin was ripped and torn, blood welled in the deeper wounds. 

I pulled his closer to me and leaned him on my shoulder. "I want no more whips - not even for animals. If You're found with a single whip in your possession past sundown tomorrow, you shall be whipped in return!" I commanded. A few of the Sayrin's closet followers slunk back while everyone else once again cheered. "Pyro, I need a room." I made my way back into the main house, Pyro on my heels. 

"You really don't have to this - I can take care of it." Niro spoke but I ignored him. I guided him back down to the floor while Pyro ordered some nearby people to bring water, bandages, cream, and anything else he thought I would need. "Master, you really don't have to -" 

"Hush." I laid my finger over his lips and smiled. "Don't call me that either. No more 'Master' and no more 'Lord.'" I picked up a towel and placed it in a bowel of water before undoing the leather binds that held the harsh fabric to his skin. "You don't have to wear this stuff either." I gave it to Pyro to discard and pulled out the soaked towel. Niro winced as I cleaned the blood from his back and dabbed a salve over the wounds. 

"Why did he do this to you anyway?" I picked up a roll of gauze and began wrapping it around his torso. 

"Your father wasn't my original master - I was a slave before he bought me as well. He found out how close I was to Nico and he didn't hesitate to threaten my life when he didn't want to meddle in your thoughts." Nico was employed my father - even paid for it! 

"Then how come he accepted the money? And why are you two close - why do you guys look some much alike?" I stuttered, unable to fully get one question out. 

"Nico accepted the money because he was hoping to buy my freedom from the Sayrin one day - it's the only reason why he uses his power the way he does and he's my twin brother...that's why we look so much alike." He slightly smiled. So Niro wasn't alone and Nico wasn't evil... 

I tacked down the remained edge and sighed. "You're free now - everyone is...I'll employ them for pay but I won't make them work for nothing." My eyes began watering at the thought of Niro leaving. "Although, I would like you and Nico to stay at the Sayrin's house. That place is huge and now that I'm the Sayrin I can't go back to the Shifter's district - it wouldn't be right." I missed home but these people needed a leader more than I needed to get back. 

               'Are you okay?' Niro asked. I smiled as the wind shot through my hair. 

'Great.' I opted to fly back, missing that momentary feeling of freedom. 'We'll be there soon, I can see the house.' I hated that it had to end so quickly but I also wanted to free the Shifters that were still in the dungeon. The Sayrin and my mother were in another carriage, destined for another house. They didn't deserve to live in the Grand House but at the same time I couldn't just throw them out on the streets. 

I landed and was welcomed in by the pair of guards standing next to the door. Niro followed me. 

"Master." Three of my nursemaids tipped their heads with solemn looks on their faces. 

I laid my hand against one of their shoulders, causing all of them to look back up. "No more." They smiled and Niro clarified what I had meant as I descended the stairs down to the basement. 

"Sir, these guys are dangerous, I do not advise you do this." One of the guards warned. 

I scoffed. "I've lived with them my whole life - they wouldn't hurt me." I took the keys from him and entered the separate room. It was cold and dark despite the fires that lit the corridors. 

"I want to go home." Someone whined. 

"Shut-up Mark!" I stopped as Jay's voice vibrated through the halls. Jay had come himself to find me? 

I ran around the last corner, "Jay?!" 

Two guys stood up and neared the bars. "Lauren? What happened to you?" He asked as he took in my new hair and attire. 

"Are you an idiot?" I asked as I unlocked the cell. "You could've been killed...what would've happened to the pack then?" He ignore me and pulled me closer. 

His arms were wrapped around me tightly. "I had to save you - plus I couldn't stand to be near Mika anymore." He pulled away and smiled. "You ready to go home?" 

I shuffled uncomfortably. "About that - I won't be returning to the Shifter district." 

He looked dumbfounded. "Lauren, why would you stay here? You belong in the Shifter district!" He bellowed. 

"Master, do you require some assistance?" The guard asked. I rolled my eyes at the name. 

"'Master?'" Jay mimicked. 

I shook my head. "I'm the Sayrin now - everyone depends on me to lead them." 

His hand tipped my chin, forcing me to look at him. His face was wiped clean of emotion. "Then to that I just have one thing to say." His lips touched mine, soft as first. He pulled away and started for the stairs. Mark followed him hesitantly, knowing the intent behind his affection. I stood there, my lips burning...and like that, he betrayed with a kiss.


Explanation of the last few sentences...It's an allusion to the bible. Judas kissed Jesus on the cheek before turning him over to be crucified...That kiss stood as the ultimate betrayal and heavily symbolic. When Jay did it, it was as if he told Lauren that they were now enemies since they both rule over separate districts - this is mainly for war propaganda. If they went to war in the future, it would be as if they did not know each other and would have no sympathy.



This is the end guys D: ...What did you guys think? It didn't end the way you guys thought did it did not end the way i imagined it either :D I just wanted to thank everyone that has commented and read this story, it's all the comments that made this chapter possible! ^_^

Thanks for reading! <3


PS This is just book 1 of 2. The sequel to The Alpha's Omega is Beyond Our Titles.. I hope you all read to find our what happens to Lauren, Jay, Pyro, Niro, and maybe even Jay's pup! ;D 


The Alpha's Omega (Alpha/Omega Book 1/3) [Boy/Boy] - 2012Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon