General Terms and Ranks of the Districts

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General Terms and Ranks of the Districts

Place: District (4)

Races: Shifter (Alpha)

             Special (Government)

             Vampire (King/Queen)

             Demon (Sayrin)

Valdescü: A term originally used by the Vampire District for the Specials they imprisoned. Now it is commonly used in all districts for someone who is unimportant/inferior to everyday society.

Shifters: "ware wolves" The Shifter District is run by the Alphas directly so there can be anywhere from 10 to 20 rulers at a time. Shifters typically don't go by "ware wolves" because they have the choice to phase when they want to. Shifters are "shape shifters" but can only transform into a wolf/feral dog. They have enhanced taste, smell, sight, and hearing.

Specials: "undefined" The Special District is ran like a general government with many people working together. Specials are still undefined since they have no one real power. A person born of the Specials District can take on any traits from mind manipulation to animal characteristics (Niro). A Special will always appear to be human and can never really transform into anything else. 

I.E. - Niro: Niro was born with the traits of cat but all he can display of them are ears, eyes, and tail. He can never really rid himself of his human body.

Vampires: "Lusters" The Vampire District is ran by a King/Queen pair. This race is usually very aggressive, cruel, and merciless. They invaded the Special's District (leaving it in ruins) and took many hostages. These hostages were known as Valdescü because they were "inferior." Many became blood slaves and only a few survived. A vampire's outer appearance can range from Regal to Grunge and most often have long hair with unnatural eye colors. (Ex: purple, red, luminescent blues, greens, etc.) The only special trait of a vampire is the ability to connect with one person telepathically.

Demons: The Demon District is run by the Sayrin who is basically their king. This district is the most civilized and greatest at war strategy. The Demon District is stuck in the "medieval period" of time. A Demon is like a vampire except, instead of feasting on blood they harvest a soul's energy. It is quite painful and potentially deadly. The Sayrin's household is the only house that is allowed to employ servants/maids. A female servant/maid must address the Sayrin as lord and the Sayrin's son(s) as young lord. A male address in the same fashion except they use "master" (master and young master). Few Demons are blessed with wings and agility is common. They can travel through the Districts easily with the use of an enchanted binding that is wrapped around the waist.

Mixed Breeds: Mixing of breeds is strictly taboo and the offspring of these relations typically do not survive (long). Severe birth defects can cause early dead or sometimes a body will abort it naturally. Few mixed breeds are born but the ones that are usually die within the first week of life. Those who survive are most often murdered.



I hope this helps! :D

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