Chapter 3: Imprintation

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The Alpha's Omega: Chapter 3: Imprintation

               I tightly bound my wrist in hopes that it would smooth the swelling and hide the deep, purple bruising. I could barely put an weight on it - let alone run. I would get Mark back for tripping me but I had to do it without Jay finding out. 

"Meeting - Now!" Alpha's voice boomed from somewhere in our temporary camp. I sighed and ran in the general direction that Mathew and Steven were headed. I struggled to keep up, my disadvantages becoming more obvious.  

                "We are a pack and we won't survive unless we start acting like it!" Jay lectured, causing me to mentally cringe. I winced as he grabbed my injured wrist and pulled me to my feet with a soft yelp. "We are a family and we do NOT hurt our family." I struggled against him as he undid the binding, allowing the thin fabric to fall away. Steve and Mathew's eyes widened instantly at the vengeful bruise. Mark smiled smugly at the damage. "What did you hope to accomplish, Mark?!"  

"You should've saw the way that dog was looking at you!" Mark bellowed defensively.  

Jay's eyes lit up with rage. "It is not your place to inflict punishment!" Jay's hand tightened, causing me to wince again. "You're on midnight duty for the next week." 

"That's not fair!" Mark jumped up, "I'm being punished for his disgusting act!"  

"You're being punished because you can't seem to remember your place." Jay yelled back. Marked stormed out of the makeshift tent, Steven and Mathew quickly following him after Jay's order. 

                "Are you okay?" Jay asked, letting go of me for the first time since he pulled me off the ground. 

"Y - Yeah, I'm fine." I picked the binding up off the floor and attempted to retie it.  

"Let me help you." He took the fabric from my hand and wrapped it around my wrist, his hands gentler than I thought they would be. "What did he do to you anyways?" 

"He tripped me." I pulled my hand away as soon as he was done. "You're going to punish me too, right?" 

He slightly laughed. "Why?" 

"Because I was looking at you - you're my Alpha, I should have more respect." I suddenly felt dump having to admit it but I couldn't think of a better was to word it. "Mark was just -" He silenced me with his lips. My eyes widened as his right hand rested against the small of my back, the other around my shoulders.  

He pulled away with a smile, "You talk too much." There was a strange glint in his eye and I couldn't help but feel a little peeved at the fact that he stole my first kiss.  

"I don't talk too much!" I argued. 

"Relax Lauren. I like someone who doesn't just sit in the background." He winked before ducking out of the tent. This wasn't fair - he was teasing me! 

                I walked around the camp, watching as all the girls hung up laundry and cooked the little food we had. I was halfway through the clearing before my nose traced the unmistakably scent of Jay. It wasn't just Jay I smelled though - it was a female. A female with Jay's scent to be more specific. I pushed through the brush, the scent becoming stronger with every step I took.  

"Stop it, Cenci!" A girl yelled, the desperation obvious in her voice.  

I hid behind a near by tree and quietly observed the scene laid out in front of me. "What's wrong Mika, hormones getting the better of you?" The two girls bickered, a stack of laundry sitting beside them. 

"I'm not pregnant!" Mika yelled. 

Cenci stood with her hands on her hips, "Don't lie to me. I can smell Jay all over you!" Jay? What did Jay have to do with this and why was she being accused of being pregnant? "You know he won't stay with you. Now that he's Alpha he's going to mate with someone prettier."  

"Shut up!" Mika's eyes were filled with tears.  

"Why - 'cause you know I'm right?" 

Mika quickly stood, throwing a shirt down as she did so. "'Cause he's already mated to me!" She cupped her hands around her stomach. "He's announcing his imprint at dinner - and our pregnancy." 

"So you are pregnant!" Cenci shouted excitedly. I slowly backed up, careful to not step on any twigs or old leaves. A part of me hurt - he had just kissed me in the tent and yet he was mated and to make it worse - he was expecting a kid! As soon as I was out of ear shot I stormed from the outskirts of the camp and to the confinement of the surrounding wood.  

                How could he two-time people like that?! An Alpha should be the leader and show the younger whelps how to act and I never saw his father doing what he was doing now.  

"This is a load of shit!" I punched a nearby tree, my fist drilling through the bark like it was made of styrofoam. I heard a scream and instantly jumped back, a flash of black falling at my feet. A pale boy clad in black attire lay crumbled on the ground. "Hey, are you okay?"  

"Great." He groaned as he pushed himself off the ground. "What did the tree ever do to you?"  

"I'm sorry I - What are you doing in the tree?" I pointed out. 

He got back to his feet, standing slightly taller than me. "I'm in charge of your safe keeping for right now."  

I eyes him skeptically. "My 'safe keeping?' Who exactly put you in charge?" 

"I work for the Clan, so in a way, I guess the Sayrin employs me." He smiled cockily.  


He quickly shook his head, his silky hair falling into his obsidian eyes. They were like black orbs, reflecting nothing lively around him. "Never mind - forget you ever saw me." He jumped and grabbed the lower branch on the tree, swinging upward to disappear among the leafy branches.  

"Hey wait!" I attempted to copy him but I couldn't even reach within inches of the branch. "Come on, it's not fair!"  

"It's totally fair." He laughed as he swung down, his knees still suspending him from the tree. His face came level with mine, his hair hanging down due to the gravitational pull.  

"- and how is it fair?" I tightly crossed my arms over my chest.  

"I've just had more training than you." He smiled, his black snakebites stark against his pale skin. His left lip ring connecting to the array of piercings he had strung through his ear by a delicate chain.  

"Who's the 'Sayrin?'"  

He pulled himself up again and rested on the branch. "No one you should concern yourself with yet - Junior."

The Alpha's Omega (Alpha/Omega Book 1/3) [Boy/Boy] - 2012Where stories live. Discover now