Chapter 2: Illegitimate

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The Alpha's Omega: Chapter 2: Illegitimate

               I followed Jay and the other boys quietly, never falling too far behind in fear that my old tribe would go against my new Alpha's wishes and murder me. Their judging faces hurt - these were the people I had grown up with and raised by. That was the whole point of a tribe - only one was your birth mother but every woman in the pack looked out for the whelps.

Now, they casted their gazes on me as if I was lower than the dirt beneath their feet. "Lauren." My head snapped toward Jay as he threw a parcel in my direction. I caught it and untied the thin twine that held it together. Something wrapped in paper fell from the binding and I hurriedly picked it up before anyone else saw it. "Come on, get dressed." Jay had already slipped on an old pair of jeans and a loose shirt, waiting for us to follow. Contained under the wrappings were a like set and we all followed his order.  

                We walked to the territorial launch where there was a small group waiting: weeping girls hugging each other for comfort and boys who held spears and tried to look vengeful. I inwardly laughed. This was my new pack and whether I would like them or not - they were my family. The whole pack wished them goodbye - singling me out. I wasn't concerned, the only opinion I truly held high was my mother's but she had seemed to have disappeared all together. "I want you four to patrol the pack, circle them and only attack if necessary." Jay commanded at Mathew, Mark, Steven and I. The other three guys handed their stuff off to some nearby girls, the girls looking disgusted as if it was the most revolting thing imaginable.  

"I'll hold your stuff, Lauren." I turned to see Kat, her arms out stretched, with a bright-eyed smile on her face. She was considerably pretty with dark, almond shaped eyes and silky black hair.  

"Thanks." She gladly took the package and a bag I had slung over my back. As I turned to leave I caught a glimpse of Jay glaring at her. I jogged behind a thick bushel of trees while Mark and Steven phased in front of everyone.  

                As soon as I was out of eye sight I pulled the wrapped paper out of my pocket and brought it up to my nose. Taking in a deep breath I could faintly make out the scent of my mother and something else. The smell slightly burned but was still strangely alluring. I carefully pulled the paper away, exposing a heavy metal pendent strung on a thin black chain. This held no traces of my mom, only the sickly-sweet scent of...death? I looked to the paper, only a few words scribbled onto it.

'Lauren, I can't stay with the pack right now but I'm so proud of you. I've gone to find your dad so we can be a family again. I will explained everything when I get back. This pendent belonged to your dad and I want you to keep it safe for me. Don't let anyone else know you have it. I love you and so does he.'

I crumbled the paper and threw it aside. She couldn't find the dead - my dad was dead and has been for years! In my fit of anger I exploded, my pads coming in contact with the earth for the first time. An unknown essence ran through me, my veins tingling with the new found energy. My eyesight was blurry for a moment before it adjusted. I extended my toes and scrapped the fresh dirt with my nails. It was all new to me - the body, the feeling of it, the smells, and the sights - this was my first turn and I had done it under direct order. 'Hope you're proud of me now mom.' I tied the chain around my ankle as well as I could with my mouth before taking off, my pads hitting the damp earth over and over again. The hair that now layered my body shagged as I ran, the wind working in sync to propel me forward.  

                I found my pack and stayed close to it, secretly eyeing Jay and memorizing his stride. He walked so arrogantly and yet all it managed to do was turn me on. He glanced in my direction a few times as if he knew I was looking at him. But he couldn't...could he?  

                My right paw came in contact with something and I fell to the ground, whimpering at the unwanted pain. Another wolf was standing next to me, his coat harsh and a wiry gray. I phased instantly, loosing my grip of my wolf form. My jeans seeming to melt right out of my skin as the tone, light texture replaced the fur. "What the fuck was that for?!" I hissed.  

He phased as well, Mark's body taking shape in front of me. 

"He's your Alpha - not your boinking toy!" Shit! I didn't know anyone was looking. 

"What do you care? It's not like he takes a liking for guys anyway." I cradled my arm to my chest, my wrist aching from the trip. 

Mark's body tensed, "Keep your lustful looks to yourself!" He phased instantly, running behind some of the near by trees. I cursed under my breath as I got to my feet. My first phase was a total accident and I had no clue how to do it again...I had no other options than to face my leader and accept whatever punishment he dished out for my disobedience to learn a whelp's most vital lesson. 

'Don't come out, just stay hidden.' A voice sounded in my head. It wasn't one I recognized and it slightly scared me but at the same time - it was comforting as if I've been following it my whole life. Jay and the rest of the pack walked on, oblivious to the fact that I was struggling to keep up.  

'Who are you?' I questioned back. There was no answer, only silence. 'Hello?' Thanks a lot mystery voice. I huffed as the chain snagged some stray tree roots, causing me to loose my balance. I ripped the metal binding from my angle and held it in my hand. Symbols decorated the outer layer but they weren't any ones I recognized. The pendent itself was a large circle that fit in the palm of my hand with a Cheshire grin along the rim. Various swirls cascaded off the brim to fill the empty space. The pendent itself was a symbol and I struggled to remember where I had seen it before.

'Bantek.' The name played on my tongue, seeming correct. Bantek was the Shadic name for the Mark of Demons. It roughly translated to 'Vorc' meaning 'cursed blood.' Suddenly everything was making sense. 

“Demon child! He bares the dark mark!” The woman had screamed. She wanted me dead because of the mark I was awarded. It wasn't fair, I didn't ask for any of this!

Did I truly come from Demon blood - was my dad part Demon or was he full wolf like I've been lead to believe my whole life?

The worse option being was that I was an illegitimate offspring...someone out there must truly hate me because all I've ever seem to attract was the worst outcomes. 



Thank you to everyone who commented! :D I loved them all!

The Alpha's Omega (Alpha/Omega Book 1/3) [Boy/Boy] - 2012Where stories live. Discover now