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"Only fools fall for you, only fools
Only fools do what I do, only fools fall."

November, 6th

Boys in her old school were never particularly fond of openly regarding her as a member of the opposite sex. She was always just one of the guys, or Perry's sister. She was never the good girl to somebody's bad boy, and her first experience of teenage boys' suave attempts at flattery were very unflattering.

They made her feel insecure in the school uniform as she walked the walls alone. Her most hated past of the week wasn't waking up on Monday mornings anymore, it was walking to astronomy class on a Friday evening. Her last class of the week.

Of course she is the only one coming from Tech. Design class in the East corner and therefore, has to walk past the seniors' private dorm block past dusk. The fact that some of less fortunate looking guys would stand outside smoking and drinking the occasional beer, leering at her and remarking on her uniform.

She had hoped that with all the Barbie's and Ken dolls living off their parents' fortunes at this school, that there'd be less weirdos. Unfortunately, she had hoped in vain.

Perry was spending more and more time with Maddy that even when they planned some time together a week in advance, Madaelyn would still somehow rope Perry into cancelling and spending the time with her instead. Robin's patience was wearing thin with her twin's latest girlfriend.

Usually they would suck up to her and pretend to be friends with her, just to get closer to him. They were stupid if they hadn't realised that the twins were close, and they used her to get to him. But not Maddy. She made it obvious more than once in the girls' bathrooms that she didn't give a crap what anyone thought of her. She didn't have the heart to tell Perry how arrogant his little sweetheart really was.

Robin wasn't even that mad that Perry was finding himself and mixing more with other people and leaving her behind. But lately, what she really felt was loneliness.

She was lonely, and she ached for some sort of verbal stimuli with someone with an IQ higher than their age. So, with a solid determination, she surrounded herself in classwork.


Lately, Oliver just felt lonely. Throughout his entire life, he had never really kept friendships other than the ones his parents and their friends forced upon him and their kids.

His once friend Kristine, was getting married after she graduated in two years. He was happy for her, truly, he was. He just secretly wished he had someone he loved to spend the rest his life with. They were lucky, those two kids. They actually loved each other.

Surprisingly his father broke a blood contract with his previous wife-to-be's families recently during a week long trip back from Japan, and he never found out why. He was just glad he didn't have to marry that bitch from the Byrne family. She was an awful nightmare to have to deal with everyday.

Two faced doesn't know the meaning of Madaelyn.

He pondered upon all these things as he laid wide awake in the bed across from a snoring Peregrine in the bed across from him. He blocked out the sound of his roommate's blocked sinuses, and focused back upon his previous thoughts.

He knew Robin would be asleep by now. Oliver looked at the grandfather clock in the corner of the room. 17 minutes past 3 in the morning.

And he remembered the feel of her warm jumper against his face. Her arm around him and fingers in his once carfully combed hair. Just the feeling of sleeping beside another person. He had never known the comfort of falling asleep in his mother's arms, or cuddling in someone's lap as a small child.

He was never gifted with such affections.

He craved for the feeling of love again. But he would never say the words, never admit to such a weakness. Love was a weakness and weaknesses lead to downfall.

"Metorious men die without just, while foolish men will strive and lust."

Fools wasted their affections and ruined themselves with things such as money and sex. He did not want to be like them, no matter how much he wished to run away from his responsibilities and cuddle with his roommate's sister.

Of Kings and QueensOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara