Part II/3/Despondent/

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February, 13th

Robin stumbled through the door and slumped down under the weight of the dozens of books she brought back from the library. The librarian said she had to leave after 11pm but didn't say she couldn't bring books with her.

There were no lights on in the living room or kitchenette. She assumed Perry was at Maddy's and Oliver was in his room. Robin dragged her book bag weakly towards her room but once she turned the corner she noticed pieces of paper piled neatly in front of her door.

She smiled as she picked them up. Her Irish class notes.


March, 2nd

"Can you stop?" She asked irritatedly. Robin swiped her hand, knocking Perry's book out of her face and onto the table. She was slumped over her books and was not putting up with his annoying habits today.

"Sorry, I just can't concentrate. You know Madaelyn went off campus to a family dinner last night? I asked what it was about and she just— She blew me off! Just like that!"

She shushed him.

"Keep your voice down, people are trying to study," Robin glanced around the library to see no one glaring at them, thankfully. She got up and walked down a few rows to return books. A few seconds later she returned to her place beside Perry.

"Well, I'm going stupid!" He whispered dramatically.

She gave him a look. Robin whispered, "You're not going stupid, Idiot.  You're only annoying me by complaining about your terrible grades."

His face was still scrunched in stress.

"And yet you hate studying. You never listen in class. You only ever do the minimum work that is obligatory."

"Robin! I don't know what's wrong with me! I can't concentrate, anymore."

She closed her book and rested her head on her palm, the weight being held up by the elbow on the table. "Calm down," Robin whispered to he brother.

"What's wrong with me... I don't know what I want to do, like you do. Not everyone is born with the ability to write like they're running out of time. Why do you write like you're running out of time?"

"Perry, you will find something."

"What if I don't?"

"Then you can live in the basement of my mansion that I'm going to build once I become the new Shakespeare," She joked. "Maybe spend less time making out with Madaelyn and a bit more time listening in class. You need to bring your grades up or you'll lose your scholarship when next year comes around and you have no project done to show the Administration of Education."

"I don't want to lose my scholarship."

"Then cop-on to yourself."

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