You Turned Out the Same

18 0 5

I thought I knew you better. I guess it's my fault for trusting you. I told you my story and about the one's who hurt me. That was my mistake because you.
You Turned
Out the
The same as everyone who hurt me, the same as everyone who took a piece of me. I thought two years would be enough, but after two years you stopped giving a fuck.
You Turned
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The worst part I considered you my friend and you left me in the dust. You left me behind with your words of hurt. Now I wonder if those years were all a lie, you probably didn't ever actually care. You just wanted to be cool.
You Turned
Out the
Now that we're going to highschool you want to be apart of the "cool group" so you step on everyone. You make me feel below you. You sat there and made fun of me so that everyone knew you were "cool" Hurting me doesn't make you cool. It shows how much of a snake you are and how fake you are.
You Turned
Out the
I cared about you. I really did. I thought you were my friend. Then you had to change yourself so you could be like "them" you laughed and made fun of the cuts on my skin, but a year ago you gave me hugs and said "it'll be okay again"
You Turned
Out the
You turned out the same as everyone else the ones that said they wouldn't leave that they were here to help I use to say "I love you" it's sad how fast that can turn into "fuck you." You hurt me really bad on a different level cause I'd thought you'd be different, but it just turns out that.
You Turned
Out the
The Exact Same.

Broken, but Fixed. Okay, yet DyingDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora