I'm Done..

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I'm so fucked up...
Honestly I really am.
I don't know what to do.
Or even what to say..
Other than 'I'm done'

I cry myself to sleep every night.
I cut my wrist every other night.
I blast the music to escape.
I write to get out of reality.
,But I'm done.

I over think and hurt myself.
3 times I tried to kill myself.
All I do is ruin people life's.
And fuck up everything around me.
All I can really think is 'I'm done'

Somehow I managed to fuck up a 5 year friendship.
I said some things because I was hurt.
I fucked up.
That I do admit.

I have no one.
Well that's how it feels.
I'm so good at pushing people away.
I'm just the one that screws everything up.
I'm so done.

That friend was kind of like my 'anchor'
Well now I don't have her so I'm floating away.
Into the darkness.
I don't even mind.
I'm done.

I have no one that's gonna truly care if I kill myself.
Everyone that's at my funeral crying....fake.
No one cares for me now.
No one is stopping me from offing myself.
Even if they tried I'm still doing it because what is the point of being here with no one?
I'll wait.

I'm so done with just everything.
I'm truly done.
I'm going to sleep forever.
I'm never going to wake up.
I'm done.
I'm just gonna get the rope.

Or the pills...

Or the gun....

Or the knife...

Or maybe head to the top of a building....

Whatever, it doesn't really matter... I'm that desperate to die...
To leave here because I know I'm not wanted here.
That I'm irrelevant here..
That no one cares if I'm okay!

So I guess this is a goodbye...

Goodbye earth.

Goodbye world.

Goodbye 'friends'

Goodbye brother..

Goodbye teachers..

Goodbye sister...

Goodbye school...

Goodbye to myself...

It's finally over.....
All the pain, heart break, and hurt.


Broken, but Fixed. Okay, yet DyingWhere stories live. Discover now