I don't know

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There are days where I'm just happy like, I'm smiling I'm laughing and I'm with my friends, but somehow I end up being sad at some point and it'll be scary because the few friends I do have. I want to keep them, but being sad all the time will make me loose them. I don't know

There are times where it's neutral I'm not happy I'm not sad. I just kind of just exist. Every now and then I'll have a smile from a funny text or a line in a book. But then again I'll get sad because I think my friends don't like me. Or that one of the two is mad at me because, I forgot to reply. I don't know...

Then there are the nights maybe sometimes even days. Where I'm just sad. It's more than sad. It's more than depressed. Because in those moments all I want to do is kill myself. But I'm scared I've tried 3 times you'd think I'd get it by now huh? I'm not scared of dying. Oh God no! I let myself get hit by a car. I'm scared of failing and being stuck here. I don't know.

I guess I don't know. Overall I'm just a scared,
Miserable little girl

A little girl who just wants it all to end....

Broken, but Fixed. Okay, yet DyingWhere stories live. Discover now