Typical Conversation.

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Person: Why do you hide your arms and legs?

Me: I guess I just like to cover up.

Person: Why?

Me: Why? Well if you really need to know. It's because I hate my body. If I had the chance to change it, I would take jump at the opportunity. Why? Well my thighs are covered in scars. Big, small, shallow, deep. The thing is though, I gave them to myself when I wasn't happy. I'm still not happy. A lot of people think that I'm crazy because of it. Society says there is something wrong with me, but that only thing that's wrong is society because I am unhappy because if it. And my arms. Same thing for them. They are covered in cuts and scratches that I gave myself because if the unhappiness that I'm feeling. My right arm is just a huge scar. A scar that I caused by burning myself. Whenever people ask about the cuts I come up with an excuse like "it's the cat" I don't even have a cat, but no one is going to know that. Or the burn I'll say "it was the stove" or "It was the oven" and that'll be the end of it. So does that answer your question of "Why?" I just can't stand the life that I'm living if I could leave without hurting anyone I would do it so quickly. But what if I fail. I'm not scared of dying, gosh no way. I'm scared of what'll happen if I failed. The aftermath of it. The questions, the stares, the pity, the fake love, the out of the blue people caring. Anyways yea. I just hide it all.

~~~What actually happened ~~~

Person: Why do you hide your arms and legs?

Me: I guess I just like to cover up.

Person: Why?

Me: Lol, I don't know it's just me.

Broken, but Fixed. Okay, yet DyingWhere stories live. Discover now