I am...

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I am the irrelevant friend.
I am the invisible one.
I am the stupid little girl.
I am the worthless child.
It's just who I am...

I am the worst friend.
I am the weird one.
I am the annoying little girl.
I am the disturbed child.
It's just who I am....

I am the horrible friend.
I am the selfish one.
I am the pathetic little girl.
I am the unwanted child.
It's just who I am....

I am the depressed friend.
I am the suicidal one.
I am the cutting little girl.
I am the crying child.
It's just who I am....

,But the thing is....

I wasn't always like this..

Something changed me...

I don't know

Or How.

,But I haven't been the same for a while now..

Broken, but Fixed. Okay, yet DyingWhere stories live. Discover now