Hey do u remember me??

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"hey do you have my pencil? " said the small girl with two piggy tails. 

"You see my cousin  has a bunch and I don't know which one is yours" the boy looked down shame at his black and white checked shoes that were so worn they no longer looked white with black but more of a light dark with grey

"WHAT???! " yelled the girl looking up to meet the eyes of the boy who stood a quiet a few inches taller than her only to see his fedora covering his eyes. 

"Oh come on give me a break I will bring it tomorrow OK?" asked the boy moving his blonde mid back length hair out of the way.

"FINE AND IF NOT YOU OWE ME A DOLLAR EVERYDAY YOU HAVE IT" Yelled the little girl standing on her tiny toes to try and intimidate the boy.

The boy looked down at the girl noticing how her piggy tails were slightly off. "fine I'll big it tomorrow Xavier " said the boy in a huff. 

"You better" said the girl looking at the boy who went to his twin clearly done with their conversation.

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