Chapter Two - Poison?

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Pierre Lecroix was thirty years old with a twelve year-old daughter who lived in Ville, in southern France. He added that, adding to her adolescent awkwardness and insecurity, the girl had braces on her teeth. The next night, the couple was alone aboard a ski tram. Pierre had gone to a lot of trouble to arrange the after hours ride. He aimed his flashlight at a petite star brooch in a velvet ring box. The ring's diamond center was surrounded by the star’s five points, crafted with a colorful collection of gems. He pinned it on her and tiny rainbow spectrums began to dance around the interior of the cable car, as lights reflect off a disco ball. It had a magic quality about it! Mesmerizing! "This is for you, Lucy, to always remind you of this night of star gazing. Always keep it close to your heart." Lucy wondered what her possibilities might be with Pierre. That night Lucy's journal entry was, "If only I did not have to return to California! What can I do about it? My fear of Rand's physical abuse is a powerful motivator to figure it out!" 

A month of weekends later, the time had come to say their good byes and the couple had the hotel veranda all to themselves that Sunday morning. Pierre got down on one knee and produced a sizeable marquis diamond set in silver. He slid the ring onto her finger, declaring, "We have not known each other long, but I love you, Lucy. Marry me---" His proposal was interrupted by a honk in the street below. Guy ran up the stairs to apprize Pierre of a murder down the mountain, in Paris. After the men sped away, Lucy asked for her mail at the front desk from the concierge, whose employee name tag read "Manuel Castillano." The following day when he helped Lucy check out, he quite memorably kissed her goodbye. She was too surprised to kiss him back. As she traveled back down to Grenoble, she discovered a pendant that had been slipped into her backpack. It had numbers engraved on one side and a regal family crest on the other. Could the Castillano family be European royalty; down to earth Manuel?

Situated on the upper bunk in a sleeping compartment aboard the night train, Lucy was writing in journals and a diary. Oblivious to what was happening around her, she did not hear a young woman finagle her way onto the bottom bunk, requesting of an older woman, “Would you mind changing places with me?” Mission accomplished and after stowing a full shopping bag under her bunk, she called up to Lucy, "Would you mind if I stow my umbrella at the foot of your bed? I am Diane." From the looks of things, it was possible that Lucy was composing something personal so Diane called up, "I have forgotten something to read. Do you have anything?”

“I'm Lucy. Just some of my writing. But it is confidential, even though our paths will probably never cross again. What are the chances?” Diane was engrossed in Lucy's entries and commented, "Lucy, it sounds as though Pierre Lecroix could be the one for you! What about the jewels he gave you? I would love to see them!”

Lucy extended her hand. “Here is the ring, Diane. I'm not engaged. I am wearing it just to prevent losing it. And here is the star brooch." She pulled her shirt off her shoulder, revealing a strap. After the train screeched to a halt, Lucy jumped down and Diane retrieved her umbrella. Lucy asked, “What about this shopping bag under the bottom bunk? It must be yours.” As she handed it to Diane, Lucy noticed that it contained several magazines and a paper back novel. How could that be, when Diane had said she brought nothing to read? Embarrassed to have been caught in a lie, Diane grabbed the bag and rushed out, disappearing into the throng of travelers. 

Lucy managed to catch a bus to the quiet Paris suburb of Neuilly and was welcomed to the flat of an elderly couple, Marie and Franc Lafite, who had been war buddies of her belated grandfather. Thankfully, they had good news! They invited Lucy to stay with them for as long as she wished. Several days later, Franc provided her a class schedule for the nearby University Of Paris. Counting her blessings, she reported for a part time job at the police homicide division, arranged by Pierre. An intimidating gray-haired man beckoned her into his office. “I see you wear no ring. Good! Perhaps we can take a coffee break together? What are you doing here, Mademoiselle?” Before she could reply, he found it necessary to take a phone call and waved her out of his office. Frightened, she hustled to find sanctuary in Pierre's office, the office door labeled "Lieutenant Detective Pierre Lecroix." 

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