Chapter Fifteen - Through Thick and Thin?

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The doctor shook Gregoire’s hand. “Mister Guillone, Miss Andrews is fortunate that you knew exactly what to do. Because of you, she has a better chance of regaining consciousness." 

Lucy finally came to and was soon released from the hospital, with a prescription for rest on the beach, where Gregoire reminisced, “Lucy, think of all we have been through together! It is ending all too soon! It is time to return to France. How should we spend our last day in paradise? They say heaven can be anywhere, if you are with the right person. I hear that Hawaii is a most romantic honeymoon destination---”      

When Lucy returned to Neuilly, Danielle came to the Lafite’s flat for a sleepover. “Lucy, I got to thinking. If you really want to see if Pierre loves you for yourself, not for looking exactly like his belated aunt, we could dye your platinum hair dark brown, you could wear dark brown contact lenses, use dark self tanning lotion, and dress in baggy clothes. You would look opposite your real self! I am sure he would hate your new look! I’ll take your photo, we will email it to him, say it is your ‘new’ look, that you’re tired of people staring at you, especially in the south of France.”  

“Do you really think it will work? Sometimes it seems that he considers me his possession, just arm candy! Let’s go for it! Remind me later to tell you about Aimee.” 

An hour later, Lucy rinsed out the hair dye and peered into the mirror. It’s a very effective disguise! Let's just see if Pierre still wants to marry me! When I finish with this charade and get back to my normal appearance, what do you think about this card?” She presented Danielle with a business card from the depths of her purse. “MMA, Montague Modeling Agency, Rene Montague, Rue de Paris." It included contact information, phone number and email address. 

“Why not phone the man right now? It will probably take a while to schedule an interview, long enough to allow your hair and skin to get back to normal. Part time modeling could surely fit in with your classes, Lucy. But don’t tell Pierre. It might make him want you even more.”   

Lucy made the call and put it on speaker phone. “Yes, Mademoiselle Andrews, this is Rene Montague. Ian told me all about you, but months ago! He gave me photos of you and said you would contact me. I have been waiting for you. Come to a modeling audition first thing tomorrow, nine a.m. Swim suit poses, strapless evening gowns, et cetera. Our policy is no rescheduling.” 

Lucy was disconnected and hopelessly tossed her phone onto her bed, groaning, “With Monsieur Montague wanting a swim suit shot, I’m up a creek without a paddle. What should I do?"

"Do not panic! Let’s think about it over a relaxing cup of hot chocolate. Every problem has a solution. We’ll put our heads together and find it.”

They finished their hot cocoa and Lucy admitted, “I have got nothing, Danni. Let’s go to bed. I give up! He said there is no rescheduling."

"What about ‘Aimee?’"

"She looks exactly like me! Her Grandmother Cece is my grandfather’s daughter! If I had not come to France, I probably never would have known about her! I guess Grandpa told no one. He was only nineteen at the time. It is a long story for another time! Let’s call her, before it gets any later, and ask her to stand in for me tomorrow at the modeling agency. She is not answering. I left a message. May I use your computer, Danielle? I have Aimee’s email address. I nearly forgot! Tomorrow I have to go to court, no matter what color my skin!"                 

At the court house, Lucy deposited her umbrella in the foyer, as usual. Pierre was not present. In an attempt to cover her disguise, she sported a stylish hat she had purchased in London. Her long-sleeved dress, gathered at its high waistline, coordinated well with the plumed hat but was too large for her and therefore misleading about her lovely slender shape.

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