Chapter Twenty - Ripped?

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The tall stranger instructed, "Miss Andrews, keep walking and do not look at me while I talk and you. Listen carefully! Your life depends on it! Where is your traveling companion? I'm a private investigator for Randall Smythe the second, esquire."     

"Rand's father, the attorney?" 

"One and the same. I have been shadowing you for months. If not for this cruise, I would still be trying to find you alone, due to the confidential nature of this business deal I have been instructed to close. This meeting was supposed to be on your bus from the Alps, on your train from Grenoble to Paris, or on the metro bus to Neuilly, but I could never find you by yourself! I was even grazed by a bullet in the English countryside! The man chasing you at Notre Dame Cathedral foiled my attempt at meeting with you. We are finally alone because the short man is in custody. The arrest was just made on the ship. Now I am able to present you with this certified check. First you must sign this release, absolving Randall Smythe the third  from any and all physical abuse."  

"A pay off to forgive Rand, pretend that it never happened, that he never knocked me unconscious, gave me black eyes, bruised me, and made me bleed? No, take your certified check back to the United States. I will not sign any release! I want to prevent Rand from abusing other women, to protect them. He should be locked away somewhere and they should throw away the key. He is lucky I did not file charges!"  

"You would be wise to accept this check. My employer is not a patient man, so do not refuse him! I'm not responsible for what will happen to you, when you least expect it." Lucy ripped up the check and threw it to the wind. She noticed Manuel fast approaching. When she turned back to face the stranger, he was gone. 

Soon after Lucy's and Manuel's cruise ship docked, court commenced. Prosecutor Duvet began the trial, listing the accusations, "The charges against Defendant Xavier Lemare Lecroix are as follows. Premeditated murders of his cousin Marcel Lecroix, Judge Lamont Letour, and Bailiff Philippe Georges. And multiple murder attempts on the life of Lucille Ann Andrews. We will commence with the latter. Xavier Lecroix, how did you locate Lucille Andrews in the belated Marcel Lecroix' pool?"  

After a long, hesitant pause, he replied, "I had overheard her say that she was staying there." The inquiries went on and on. Lucy did not pay much attention to this unpleasant line of questioning until she was called to the stand. "Mademoiselle, did you always carry your black backpack so that Diane Weinstein and Jacques Bonet would always know where you, your umbrella, and the jewels were located?" Her response was, "No. What do you mean? I take it everywhere with me because my dearly departed father gave it to me."

"How did you know where to make umbrella switches, Mademoiselle Andrews?" Lucy's response was, "What switches? I made no switches!" Prosecuting Attorney Duvet rose to his feet. "Your honor, the defense is obviously attempting to implicate Lucille Andrews, an innocent bystander, in an effort to take the heat off defendants Diane Weinstein and Jacques Bonet. As you will see, Lucille Andrews had no knowledge whatsoever of their smuggling operation. Mademoiselle, in regard to GPS, global positioning system, a homing device, were you aware of the GPS planted in your backpack?" She shook her head no and he excused her, retaining the right to recall her to the stand.        

Duvet continued, "Your Honor, I present Exhibit R, the in-house deposition testimony of Pierre Lecroix, who is temporarily restricted to his residence. Here are particularly pertinent responses to several questions posed. The first question reads as follows, 'Pierre Lecroix, where did you locate Lucille Andrews with the GPS?' His response was, 'In Marcel's pool, Lucy's hospital room, and in the English countryside cottage, but always to protect her life.'  

The next question was, 'Was GPS the reason you knew where to send the stalker you hired to follow Lucille Andrews at the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris?' His response was, 'Yes.'

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