Chapter Thirteen - Cozily Intermingled?

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Danielle unwrapped the white tissue paper from a ring. “Lucy, look! How exquisite! Now, listen to this other letter from Pierre! ‘My Dearest Lucy, my court-appointed psychologist prescribed that I write this letter as part of my court-ordered therapy. She found it intriguing that I have presented you with a different engagement ring each time I have proposed to you. She said the reason for that is that I am living in denial of the fact that you are rejecting me, that I have been rationalizing that you were rejecting the various rings' style, luster, design, clarity of the gems, or other qualities. Nothing is too good for you, my beloved, Lucy. All my love, Pierre. P.S. If you do not care for this ring, I will not stop until I find the perfect ring for you.’ That is all Pierre wrote. But right now you must think about the upcoming hearing."

The following day, Doctor Laurence arrived with no time to lose. His testimony moved Lucy to tears. His voice a bit shaky and a tear in his eye, he was soon excused. He strode down the center aisle toward the foyer and slipped his business card into Lucy’s hand as he passed her. She silently read the note he had written on the back of it, “Join me for dinner? Meet me in the foyer. Sean.”    

She did. When the courtroom door had closed behind her, the doctor led her to a discrete corner, where they were alone, except for a man at the other end of the foyer. "Lucy, I officially declare you my most interesting patient ever! And the most captivating! Who is the man shadowing us?”        

“Guy. He is my body guard sometimes when I am in Ville. Do not make any false moves, Doctor Laurence!"       

He laughed. “It is ‘Sean.’ Remember? Does Guy report to anyone? Will he cuff me if I try to kiss you?”  

“No, his job is not to interfere with my life, simply to protect it.”    

“Here, Lucy, you dropped your phone. Who is this ‘Jean- Louis’ on your display?”  

“He is a friend of the family and lives in Rouen. I hear from him occasionally.” 

“I could not help but see this other name, ‘Manuel.' What about him?”     

“I met him in the Alps. He is from Spain and is relentless!” Lucy tilted her face upward and gazed into his eyes, whispering, “I guess I shouldn’t leave my contact list showing. You are not the jealous type, are you, Sean?” 

“I did not think I was, but perhaps I should be. Anyway, we should waste no time! I must return to the hospital and you will soon be on holiday from school. May I kiss you, Lucy?” He made her lose track of time and place. 

Finished with court for a while, Lucy was riding with the Lafites in the car when Marie declared, “It will not be long until we arrive at our Tregastal cottage! You have been working so hard on your studies, Lucy, that Franc and I feel you deserve a vacation! And did we mention that Christian will be there also? Spring break! It will be great to see him again!” When the three arrived, Lucy filled her lungs with the fresh salt air and confided, “The lighthouse fascinates me! May I go there?”  

“Yes, the lighthouse keeper knew your Grandfather Edouard and is well aware of his heroics, so introduce yourself! He has been a good friend of ours for many decades. Be careful not to trip over the cobblestones on the pathway, and please take some sandwiches to Monsieur Guillone. Shall I place them in your backpack? Do not forget your umbrella, as you never know when fog will become rain. Normandy has pea soup fog. Even in spring, clouds stick close to the ground.” 

When Lucy arrived at the lighthouse, she greeted an elderly man, “Hello. Monsieur Guillone? I am Lucy Andrews, a friend of Franc and Marie Lafite.” 

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