Chapter 1

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Noah's POV:

How did I even end up in this situation? If my life isn't as bad enough, I have a drunken man chasing after me. I was crying as I ran from him. I just wish my parents were here. Why did they have to die in that house fire? Why couldn't I have past with them? I rather be with them than be on the earth.

I wasn't paying attention when I ran straight into someone's back. "Wow, careful love." A man with a thick British accent spoke. "What's the rush?" I looked up to see a young looking man with brown, chestnut hair and ocean blue eyes. His features were soft and he had crinkles by his eyes when he smiled to me. He had some facial hair but not too much to be disgusting. "You looked panicked? Are you alright?"

I didn't even know how to speak at that moment. It seemed as all m words left me, and the breath from my lungs strangled me. It wasn't because of this man by no mean. He may be beautiful, but he's not the reason for my sudden muteness. I just pointed behind me as the drunk from earlier slowly walked over with a devilish smirk on his face.

The man looked up to where I was pointing and frowned, pulling me behind him. "What do you want with her Derrick?" He spat. He knows him?

"That's the greeting I get from you when I haven't seen you in... How long has it been? Fifty years now?" Fifty years?! Okay, I'm either dreaming or these two are pulling a wall over my head. "How are you Louis?" The Derrick guy asked.

Louis, I believe that was his name, gave an actual growl. "Leave her be."

"I saw her first, just pointing that out." Derrick laughed throwing his head back. I noticed he had a thick Scottish accent. "What are you honestly going to do with her? Take her to Harry and Niall to have? That's called stealing Tomlinson."

"It's not stealing, it's called saving a life. And no, I'm not taking her to get sucked dry. Besides, you know they don't feed off humans." Louis spat again. What?! Feed off humans? What the hell does that mean? "Now leave before I rip your throat out."

Derrick held his hands up in defense and laughed. "Alright dog boy. But don't think this is over." Derrick turned on his heals and walked away calmly. I thought he was drunk? Maybe he was just a lunatic...

Louis turned to me, grabbing my arm and leading me to who knows where. "Wait, thank you for saving me and all, but where are you taking me?"

"You heard everything we were talking about right?" He asked without looking at me. I nodded though he couldn't see me. "Then we can't let you go on knowing everything you heard. Either people will think you're crazy, or they will come after us."

"What? It's not like I'm going to tell anyone."

"I'm not about to take that chance." He said, leading me into this forest that no one ever actually goes in.

"They're wolves in this forest!" I told him, struggling to be free from his grip, but failing.

"I know. They won't bother us though. If you came in here alone, then maybe. But they won't bother us any." He told.

"Wait, why not?"

"Stop struggling." And like that he picked me up and started running. Within minutes we showed up to this log cabin like mansion that had all the windows covered up. "Welcome home." What?

Louis carried me inside and set me down on the couch. "I smell human." A lad with black hair said as he jogged down the staircase, followed by a short brown haired lad that seemed to be slightly taller. He smells human?

"Long story." Louis simply said, grabbing a raw piece of steak from the fridge and eating it. Raw piece?! That's disgusting...

The two other men came over to me and smiled. "What's your name love?" The brown headed boy asked. He had crinkles by his brown eyes when he smiled, just like Louis did, but his features seemed softer when he smiled.

"Um, Noah... Noah Ann." I told them.

"Lovely. Well I'm Liam and this is Zayn." He nodded towards the black haired boy.

"You are so luck I just fed Tomlinson." A lad with blonde hair and a thick Irish accent spoke as he entered the house from the back door.

"Don't you love how he assumes it was me." Louis said taking another bite from his raw meat.

"Because I heard you." He said and came over to me, sitting next to me on the couch, blue eyes sparkling some. "But anyway, hello Noah, M' Niall." He gave me a toothy grin showing off four sharpened vampire like teeth. Okay, I'm dreaming or they're all insane and I need to call the hospital.

"How did you know my name?" I asked.

"I heard when Liam asked?" He said more like a question. "Oh, you must not know." He laughed throwing his head back. "Louis you didn't tell her?"

"Tell me what?" I looked at them all with question.

"Well we're-" Niall started but was interrupted by an unknown voice.

"Who the hell brought a human here?" He asked. At the top of the stairs stood a tall man with long brown hair and green, angered eyes. He was looking at Louis as if he already knew the answer to the question he asked.

"I had no choice Harry. Not my fault. Derrick would have killed her if I didn't stop him." Louis defended, the blood from the raw meat dripping down his chin.

"You could have just killed her." Harry, I think that's what Louis said, spat, sending me a quick glare.

"You know I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to kill an innocent human just because she knows about us." Louis defended.

"Knows what?" I asked, but nobody answered me.

"You, Noah girl." Harry said and I don't think I've ever seen someone look at me with that much hatred. "I guess you're stuck here. Just stay the hell away from me, and don't even come near my room." he said, and left disappearing in the upstairs hallway.

"Don't mind him, he's just like that." Niall told me. "And Harry's room is on the third floor, so just don't go up there."

"Wait, so I can't leave? What about my Aunt? She'll kill me if I'm not home in time to make supper." I told them. "I won't tell anyone, I promise. I don't even know for sure what's going on."

"Sorry love." Zayn said and shrugged. "It's kind of the rules we have."

"But... But I haven't finished my chores and Aunt May, who knows what she'll do." I said, the panic clear in my voice.

"Well you don't have to worry about your aunt anymore. Sounds like you don't want to be there anyhow."Liam told me.

"Kind of sounds like a Cinderella story." Louis said with a chuckle. "You can't leave anyhow, I'm sorry."

"Here, c'mon." Niall said standing, extending his hand for me to take. "I'll show you a room."

*Sooooo Whatcha think???*

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