Chapter 5

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Noah's POV: 

"So what do you want to do first?" Liam asked as we walked through the fair with our coats on. 

"I'm not sure? I guess we can go on that thing." I said pointing to a giant swing-like ride. 

Liam gave me a huge smile. "Good to know that you're not a wimp." 

I giggled slightly at his statement. Liam grabbed my hand and we walked over to the ride. We handed the lady our tickets and sat with another couple. The ride started it it was about the most fun I've had in a while. 

We continued riding the different rides around and even a few prize booths. "I'm going to win you something." Liam said pulling me towards a booth with a bunch of big bears. "You know the rig these games right?" I whispered to him. 

"Yes, but they have them rigged for humans." He whispered back, handing the guy a dollar and knocking down the bottle with one shot. 

"Wow, um, good arm." The man said with a grumble. "What will you have?" 

"What do you want?" Liam asked me. 

"Um." I looked around and eventually pointed to the large brown bear. 

"Alright, we'll take that one." The guy handed Liam the bear and he handed it to me. 

"Thank you." I smiled at him, hugging the stuffed animal to my chest. 

We continued to walk around, eating corn dogs and cotton candy on the way. "I hope you're having fun." Liam told me as we sat on a bench. 

"I am! This was a blast." I told him with a smile. "So um, can I ask you some questions?" Liam simply nodded with a smile. "How old are you?" 

"Four hundred and three." He simply said. "I was born 1613. I'm the second eldest behind Harry, though he's still a good hundred plus years older than me." 

"Anything interesting?" I asked. 

Liam chuckled. "They thought I was a witch for a while in the witch trials." Liam laughed. "I can laugh about it now." 

"That's kind of horrible." I kind of laughed with him some. 

"Well they couldn't catch me. I overheard them saying I was accused and they were setting up a court date, so I just left. I met Zayn on my way to France and we stuck together since then. Zayn's my best friend and if I wasn't a werewolf then I would have never met him." 

"How do you become a werewolf?" I asked. 

"You get bit by one. The very first werewolf was born that way and it went on from there. I was bit when I was twenty-five so I'm forever this age." He rolled up his sleeve and showed me a strange looking bite mark. "See, that's my werewolf mark. That's were the person who changed me bit me. Louis' is on his shoulder and Zayn's is actually on his thigh." 

"His thigh?" I asked. 

"Yea, funny story how that one happened. You can ask him about that story." We both laughed some. "I fought in world war two as well. I heard Niall did too but I didn't know him then."

"Niall said it was horrible." I told him. 

"It was. Some humans just need to stop being greedy and give in to defeat. I'm not talking about anyone specific either. I'm talking about everyone." 

"I agree. I wish everyone could just get along." I smiled as I looked around the fair at all the kids running around and tugging on their parents sleeve to go do something. "It's getting late. We did everything and I had a wonderful time, but we should be getting home." I said. 

Liam nodded in agreement. "Sure, let's go." 

We started walking towards the woods, heading home. Once we were in the woods Liam took off his jacket and shirt. "What are you doing?" I asked with a laugh. 

"Hold that." He handed me his clothes, giving out a howl and changing into a wolf. His big brown wolf head motioned for me to climb on. 

"Alright then." I climbed on his back, his clothes, and my bear, in hand. I hung onto his soft fur, brushing through it slightly. "You're fur is really soft." I commented. Liam gave me a wolf smile then started running towards the house. 

It didn't take us long to get there due to how fast a wolf can run. I didn't realize that a werewolf would be that large though. Liam slipped his shirt back on after he changed back and we headed inside. Everyone was lounging on the couches, except for Harry of course. "Hey lads." Liam greeted. 

I smiled at them and headed upstairs to put my bear up. I quickly washed up then headed back downstairs to join everyone. "Where's Harry?" I asked after we sat there for a while. 

"In his room. He has periods of time when he locks himself in his room and doesn't leave for about a week." Niall said with a shrug. "He comes down to go hunt then goes back up to do who knows what. He mainly just sits up there and reads." 

I simply nodded. That's I guess good to know. "Well night everyone." Louis said and headed to his room. Zayn and Liam shortly followed after, Niall being the last to tell me goodnight. 

I sat there for a bit, just thinking. "Maybe I should make him some tea." I said to myself. I noticed how Harry normally comes make him a cup of tea at this time, and tonight he didn't. I got up, quickly making two cups of tea, one for him and one for me, and brought it up to the third floor. The third floor was just Harry's room. I think it was supposed to be attic space, but Harry turned it into his room. 

I hesitantly knocked on the door, kind of scared he would just yell at me. "Harry slightly opened the door, wearing just his sleeping pants again. "What do you want?" He asked. I don't think he meant it to sound rude, but that's how it came out. 

"Oh um, I made you some tea." I held up the mug. 

Harry's hard face softened some as he looked to the mug. "Oh, um. okay?" He took the mug from me, saying a quick thank you and closing the door. 

I sighed heading back down to the second floor to my room. I guess a thank you is better than nothing. 

*HEEEY! So what do y'all think so far??? Whatcha think is going to happen???*  

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