Chapter 7

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Noah's POV: 

Zayn ended up going with the other three for that business trip, so I was currently stuck in the house with Harry. He was up in his room, so I was bored out of my mind. I never really liked TV, only movies, so I didn't even touch the remote. They had a few movies, but none of them looked really interesting to me. They were either really old silent movies or some war movies. They had a few old movies like "Singing in the Rain" and "Hello Dolly" and some other musicals, but I've already seen those. (I obviously do not own the name nor any part of Singing in the Rain and Hello Dolly)  

"He's probably just going to tell me to go away, but I'm going to see what he's up to." I got up and headed up to the third floor. I slowly knocked on the door, tapping my foot as I went so. 

Harry only cracked the door some like he did last time. "What is it?" 

"I'm just kind of bored so, sorry for bothering you, but I just came up to see what you were up to. May I come in?" 

"No." He simply said and shut the door. 

I sighed and headed back downstairs. The guys should be gone for about a week so what am I supposed to do by myself for that long? They told me not to leave the house unless Harry was with me, but he won't even come downstairs. 

So that's how my day went. I sat around, read a little, and listen to Louis' old record player. It was supper time before I realized it, so I started cooking up what Niall had in the house. I ended up making a beef stew that wasn't my best, but it was still good at least. I brought a bowl up to Harry, knocking on the door. He opened it like last time with just a crack in the door. "I brought you some food." I held the bowl up for him to see. 

He opened the door more slightly, taking the bowl from me. "Thank you." He went to close the door again, but I stopped him. 

"Wait." I sighed, kind of scared that he would just yell at me, but at least it was better than doing nothing. "I want to go do something tonight. I've been stuck inside all day, and you've been stuck in that room for the past three weeks so I think we should get out." 

"No, not tonight. I..." He trailed off with a sigh. "I guess we can go tomorrow night." 

"Thank you... can I at least come and eat with you? Please?" 

He looked at me hesitantly. "No, sorry." He closed the door again and I gave a frustrated groan. How am I supposed to get to know him if he won't even let me talk to him for more than a minuet. 

I headed back downstairs, quickly ate my stew and washed what dishes we did have. I apparently got some water on the floor because when I stepped to leave I ended up fall on my butt and back. "Ow..." I looked to my ankle to see it was all twisted, and not the way it should be. I gently tried to move it, but ended up giving out a small scream as it moved. 

Harry came down the stairs with, I think a worried expression on his face, but it was hard to tell. "What happened?" 

"I um, slipped in water. I think I twisted my ankle." I pointed to my twisted ankle. 

Harry let out a small sigh and bent down to look at my ankle. "You didn't break it thankfully, but you did seem to fracture it." He told me. "Can you stand up?" 

"I tried twisting it back and that hurt, so no I don't think so." 

Harry gave a small huff then nodded. He picked me up, resting one arm under my knees and the other on my back. "I have some things to wrap it up." He told me. We headed up to his room, and he set me on his bed. "This does not mean you can come in here anytime anymore by the way. This is like a one time thing." He told me. 

I simply nodded and looked around the room. It was a pretty basic room, though he had a lot of old stuff in here. I smiled as I picked up a little doll made out of straw and a little cloth dress that sat on his nightstand. "What's thi-" 

"Don't pick that up!" He quickly took it from me and placed it back where it belonged. "I didn't mean to shout, I apologize." He told me as he let out a deep breath. "That was my sisters when she was little... It's all I have left of her." He told me. 

"What was her name?" I asked as he bent down to wrap up my foot. 

"Juliet, but we called her Jules." He told me, not looking to me. "She was my little sister." 

"Louis told me that you had a sister when we went bowling. He said it was a game you two used to play." 

"Yes, but it was bundled up sticks and a ball made out of cotton that our mother sewed together for us." He told me. "It was a bit different than the modern game." 

"Can you tell me about your life before you were a vampire?" I asked. 

"Why do you want to know?" He raised his eyebrow as he looked to me once he was finished with my foot. 

"I'm just curious." I gave a small shrug. 

"I don't remember all of it, it was over five hundred years ago." He told me. "But I remember a good bit. I grew up poor, and worked in the fields everyday except for Sunday. Sundays were fun days when we didn't have to work. The week days were taking care of the crops and animals. Saturdays we got to finish early since it was bath day. Sundays we went to chapel then the rest of the day we had fun." He told me. "That's honestly it. Then I was changed." 

"Why were you changed?" I asked without really thinking. "I know Dracula is the one who changed you... So why did he?" 

"I would like to say it was out of the kindness of his heart, but it wasn't." He mumbled to mainly himself. 

"Then what was it?" I asked, laying down now. 

"It's non of your business. If I haven't told the lads then why do you think I'm going to tell you?" he got up and went over to his small desk on the other side of the room, sitting down in the chair. 

"Did he give you those scars?" I asked. 

"That's enough Noah." He said in a strict tone. "No more questions." He started writing something with an old feather pin and ink. 

I sighed, closing my eyes. I wish he would tell me more. Is it really so hard for him to talk about it? Is it really that bad? I'm going to be prying, but I'm going to find out this boys past, even if he hates me for it. There has to be a reason for his secrecy... but what?

Harry's POV:  

Noah didn't ask anything more like I asked, and I heard soft breathing where she lay. I turned around to see she was fast asleep on my bed, hugging my pillow to her chest and snuggling into it. I guess I'll go sleep in Niall's room for the night. I turned back to the letter I was writing. I've written about twenty of them so far, but I can never get the write words. 

I opened my drawer, pulling out the letter he sent me. This letter was the reason I was so stressed, and trying to write back. 

To: Harold 

From: Master Vlad Dracula  

I was hoping he by chance sent this to the wrong person, but the letter tell of me, so it was no mistake. Vlad wouldn't make mistakes like that anyway. Why would he send me this letter anyway? I opened the envelope, reading it over for what seemed like the hundredth time. It wasn't long at all, but this letter has bothered me more than any other has. 

Dear Harold, how have you been boy? I was sitting here going through some old documents when I found one of the poems you used to write for fun. So, that got me thinking boy. Why don't you come and visit me? I honestly miss your company boy, so come soon. Come visit old master Vlad. I'll be waiting boy.

-Master Vlad. 

Why did he suddenly want me to visit? I thought when I left that place I would never have to go back. So why me? Why now? I gave out an angered groan, putting the letter back in the drawer and balling up the letter I wrote. I don't think I can even write a letter. There would be no way around it... I'm going to have to go see him, there is no other way. 

*OOooooo, what do you think is going to happen? :)*       


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