Chapter 4

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Noah's POV: 

"I've never actually been bowling before." I told Louis as we walked around town. 

"Really?" Louis asked in disbelief. 

"Well, I did once when I was like three, but I don't remember it." I sent him a smile. "Wasn't bowling like really, really popular around the sixties or so?" 

"Yes, fifties and sixties, but it's really been around since the middle ages. They just didn't use actual pins and a bowling ball." Louis told me. "I remember Harry telling me he played it as a kid with his sister." 

"Well, you lived during fifties and stuff so it would have been natural for you to have played it often. Bowling sounds fun and the kids at school said it was fun when they went with friends and family, but it's not as popular anymore so growing up we never thought about going." I smiled at him. "So you might have to show me how to do it." 

Louis smiled from ear to ear, laughing as he did. "Of course." 

WE continued walking for a bit in silence before I decided to ask questions. "Niall said you were on the Titanic, what was that like?" 

"I knew that was going to come up eventually, but very scary. I can't swim so naturally I started freaking out. I wasn't worried about the cold water because werewolves body temperature is a lot higher than humans so the water wouldn't have effected me for actually a couple of days. I was in the third class, and you probably know the women and children first thing so I never got to a lifeboat. So I stayed on the ship as long as possible and Kind of just jumped with a life vest on and just sat there until the rescue boat came along. Only one boat came back, and only about six of us were saved from the water. Everyone else already froze to death." Louis told me. I was frowning as I listened to him. Titanic was such a tragedy and I felt sorry for those in the water and their families. "It was fun until the ship sinking. I met a first class girl named Daisy that I had a short love affair with. I saved her from jumping off the boat." 

"Louis that's the movie." I laughed, hitting his arm slightly. 

"Oh good you were listening." Louis laughed. "I was hoping you would catch that. But I seriously did meet a girl named Daisy, but she was a third class... And seven. She thankfully lived." 

"Louis how old are you?" I asked. 

"Well, I stopped ageing at twenty-four, but I'm one hundred and sixty as of this year. I was born 1856." 

"At least you can say that you look good for your age." Louis laughed at that one, covering his mouth his his hand some. 

"Well, we're here." Louis opened the door to the bowling ally for me, paying for out shoes and our lane. "Do you at least know the basics of bowling?" He asked. 

"You throw the ball and hit the pins." I simply said. 

"Yea that probably was a dumb question. It's a pretty basic concept." 

Louis showed me how to hold the ball and how to stand. It was actually a lot harder than I expected, but was still fun. For the first game I ended up with only 38 and Louis had a 256, but at least I hit something. "That's not fair. You picked a game that it's near to impossible to beat you at." I said laughing as we started another game. 

"Well I have had about fifty plus years more practice than you have." He said, taking his turn and getting a strike. 

"Well we need to come more often so I can at least get over a hundred." I took my turn, actually managing to hit six pins. "That's like the best throw I've had all night." 

"At least you're improving." He smiled at me. 

"We should bring everyone else next time." I said as he bowled. 

"We get really competitive. Especially me and Payno." Louis told me. "We gave up trying to beat Harry though. He gets a perfect score almost every single time." 

"What's the highest you can get?" I asked. 

"Three hundred." He told. "But if you're up for some nasty game talk then sure, next time we'll bring the lads." 

"I had fun." I said smiling as we made our way home. 

"Me too." Louis smiled back. 

"We need to play with someone I actually have a chance in beating though." I joked. 

"Then Zayn is your best bet. He never really played it much so he normally only gets a little over a hundred, so if you get better you could beat him." 

"Zayn doesn't talk much does he?" 

"Oh, you noticed that too. Yea, he mainly keeps to himself, but once we get him hyped up he's just as loud as Niall and I. Harry's never really loud unless he's yelling when he's mad, and Liam can be loud if he wanted to." 

"I kind of figured out that Harry keeps to himself." I said. "Why does he have so many scars on his back... Like whip like scars?" I knew it wasn't any of my business, but I was too curious to not ask about it. 

Louis let out a sigh and shrugged. "He never told us. He hasn't even told Niall and Niall is his best friend." I just nodded, not really knowing what to say. "I wouldn't ask him about it though. Last time I ask he about screamed my head off telling me that it was non of my business." He shrugged. "But who know. He might tell you." 

"Were was that book he was reading?" I mumbled to myself as I searched the library. I saw Harry reading a book earlier and I wanted to know what it was. Maybe if I learn more about the things he likes, then maybe I can learn more about him. I fell like I'm prying, but he's the only one that hasn't really spoken to me unless we run into each other or I speak to him first. "Where is it?" I mumbled again. 

"You mean this?" I turned to see Harry holding up a book with a brown leathery cover. 

"Um, yes actually. I saw you reading it, and it looked interesting." I told him, which wasn't a total lie. Harry simply nodded and handed me the book. He turned to leave when I stopped him. "Wait, Harry." He only turned his head, showing me the right side of his face. "About last night. I'm sorry I asked about your scars. I know it's not my place to ask such things when I barely know you." He stood there for a second then nodded, leaving without another word. 

"Hey Noah." Liam said as he entered my room. I was sitting on my bed in my night shorts and a big shirt, reading the book I grabbed earlier. It was actually very good. 

"Hey Liam." I smiled at him as he sat on my bed. 

"Do you like fairs?" He asked. 

"I've only been to about two, and I was little but I suppose so." I told him. "But why?" 

"Well a fair is in town tomorrow night, so do you wanna go?" 

I smiled from ear to ear. "I would love to." I don't know why, but these boys were treating me like I was a princess. Maybe they were just being nice? Or it's their way of welcoming me since I was forced to stay. Who knows? 

*Does anybody notice my little trends I'm doing??? I actually have two that's going on right now. Comment what you think the trends are because, again, I love reading them :)*


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