Chapter 10

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Noah's POV: 

"WE'RE HOME!" Louis and Niall sang as they entered the house. 

"Did you miss us Noah?" Louis said as he smiled at me. 

I went over to them, hugging each. "Of course I did. How was the trip?" 

"The usual." Niall said with a shrug. "How was your week with Harry?" He asked. 

I copied his shrug. "The usual." A lot actually happened, but I doubt Harry wants them to know about it. 

"Is Harry up in his room?" Liam asked. 

I shrugged again. "Probably. He's been stuck in there for the past three days. I can't even get him to eat." 

"He does that when he has a lot on his mind. It's not like he tells us what he's thinking, but he sure as hell is thinking something." Niall let out a laugh as he slumped down on the couch. "That was a forever long flight." 

"So what did you do while we were gone Noah?" Zayn asked, sitting down next to Niall. 

"I found out you all used to be newsboys." I said with a smile. "I actually got Harry to talk, but it's not like he told much. Basically just what happened after he met all of you." 

"Yes not the best times of my life." Louis said with a laugh. "Well besides that, what did you do?" He asked. 

I debated on whether or not to tell them about ice skating, or the little I did find out about Harry that didn't involve them. They might ask Harry about it, and he might get angry. Every since we went ice skating he's been seclusive again. He hasn't even opened the door for me when I bring him food. He hasn't eaten, and I surely never seen him come down. I did know he came down to feed though since he left a note for me... But I didn't even see him leave or come back. He was avoiding me and I don't know why. It's not like I killed his best friend, but that's how he's acting... 

"Noah? Earth to Noah?" Louis snapped his fingers in my face, bringing me out of my thoughts. 

"Oh right. Um, nothing really. I read a lot and listened to your music player." I told them, which wasn't a lie. "I found where you all hid the movies in Liam's room." I chuckled a little at that one. I discovered a somewhat hidden closet that was topped from floor to ceiling of movies." 

"Yea, those are all Liam's. He watches them the most so we keep them in his room." 

"I'm surprised I even found it. I was just looking around at your pictures when I noticed the door behind your mirror. Why do you keep it hidden?" I asked him. 

"I don't really. I just moved the mirror there to get it out of the way while I was picking up." Liam told me. 

We had normal chit-chat, the lads telling me about their trip. They were able to go sight seeing one day, but that was nothing new to them. Everything else just consist of meeting and lounging around a hotel room. I listened even though it was rather boring things to tell. A few stories were somewhat interesting and made me laugh, but it wasn't what I would call jump out of your seat exciting. 

"Oh hey Harry. Surprised to see you actually." Niall said. 

I turned in my seat to see Harry with a suitcase in his hand. "Where are you going?" Zayn asked. 

"Romania." He simply said, checking to see if he had his passport, wallet, and all those things. 

The boys kind of stopped when he said that. Harry never mentioned Romania before? "Why?" I finally asked. 

"I don't know yet. I'll hopefully be back in a week. I locked my door so don't even try going in my room." He left out the door, giving us a quick wave before he did. 

"Why does he have to go to Romania?" I asked, turning back to the group of boys. 

"I don't know?" Niall questioned out loud. "The only thing he has connections with in Romania is Dracula? That's the only thing I know. He's never really told me anything other than Dracula changed him..." 

"He might just be going on a visit?" Louis suggested. 

"This is Harry we're talking about. He doesn't visit unless he has to." Niall told.

I thought about what Harry was writing this past week. He kept on crumbling up the paper and throwing it away... Was he writing to Dracula? But why? Is this why he was so stressed? Because he knew he had to take this trip? There's still so many mysteries about Harry that I want to uncover. I want to break down the walls he has put up. I thought I was taking a few bricks down this week, but then he got all secretive again like he was reinforcing the walls... I looked back at the door where Harry left. He didn't seem to be pleased with the fact that he had to go to Romania... So why is he going?

*Sorry it's a short chapter, but what do y'all think?*  

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