Chapter 3

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Picture is what Niall is wearing :) 

Noah's POV: 

"You aren't taking me deep into the woods to kill me right?" I asked as I walked alongside Niall. It was around ten at night and he was leading me to who knows where. 

"We already told you that we don't like to kill, and of course not. This is the place I go when I need to get away from it all." He told me, sending me a big smile. His smile was too cute. It spread across his face and just lit up where ever he was. "Not much father now. I normally run, but I doubt you wanted me to carry you." 

"It wouldn't have bothered me. Louis carried me last week when I first came here." I told him. "So, just by wonder, how old are you? Because I know you're not actually in your twenties." 

"I'm nearly three-hundred. I'm two-hundred and ninety-three to be exact, but I don't really celebrate birthdays anymore. I grew up in Ireland in a town that's probably the size of an open field. Harry's actually the one that turned me." Niall explained. "I was attacked by a bear when I was twenty-two and was nearly dead when Harry found me. He thought that I was too young to die so he changed me. I've really been with him since. Why he was in a tiny forest in Ireland I still don't know, but I'm glad he was." 

"How old is Harry?" I asked. He must be older than Niall considering he changed him. 

"He was born 1487." Niall told me. "You can do the math from there. Count Drac is actually the one who changed him." Harry is nearly five hundred and thirty years old, wow... He must have been one of the first. 

"Why did he change him?" 

Niall shrugged. "Don't really know the answer to that one, I just know he did. He's a rather cruel man, so I was surprised when Harry said Drac changed him." I was about to ask another question when Niall grabbed my hand and spoke. "We're here." 

Niall moved some bushes and lead me to a meadow like place with a stream nearby. They had white flowers in bloom and the fireflies lit up the already star lit night. "It's beautiful." 

"Very, yes." I heard Niall say. I turned my head to see him already looking at me with a smile on his face. 

I sent him a smile and continued more into the meadow. "How many years have you lived here?" I asked him, sitting down in the grass. 

Niall sat next to me, lounging some as he did. "Harry and I found Liam and Zayn around, I would say 1912 or so. Well we all got along so we decided to stick together, so we started building the house. We found Louis about five years later, and he came live with us. Turns out Louis was on the Titanic if you can believe it." 

"He was?!" I asked, shocked, but excited to hear that as well. 

Niall laughed, throwing his head back. I loved his laugh, it held so much joy. "Yes, but he can tell you about that." 

"So what about you?" I asked. "Anything exciting?" 

Niall thought about it some before answering. "I was in world war one and two." He told me. "That was hell." I giggled some at that. "I was in some battles in Ireland. I got to meet queen Victoria. That's all the major things I can think of off of the top of my head." He flashed me a smile. "What about you? Anything special that you haven't told us?" 

"Well... I was in the battle of Troy." I joked making Niall laugh, clapping his hands some. "But seriously, not really. My life was pretty boring. But now I guess I'll have some excitement. My parents died saving my life, but you already know that. That's the only thing that happened in my life and it was sad so I try not to think about it." 

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, it probably won't, but my parents died when I was young too. Before Harry found me. They died of a the flu and I went live with my devil of an uncle. I swear he worked me like a male Cinderella time three." Niall chuckled. "I can laugh about it now." 

"That sounds like aunt May." I said with a laugh. "But you most likely had it harder than I did. I got to work with AC and machines. I don't think you had a dish washer and vacuum cleaner."

Niall laughed again. "No, I was the dish washer." 

We were walking back by now, and Niall brushed his hand against mine every once in a while. "I had fun, so thank you." I told him as we approached the back porch of the house. 

"I did too. We should do it again sometime." 

"We really should." I smiled at him and we both went inside. I told him a quick goodnight and disappeared into my room, plopping down on the bed. I actually did have fun tonight. Niall is such a sweet a caring guy. He's funny and has a great sense of humor. I'm glad I went with him tonight. 

I took a quick shower then let out a big sigh, leaving my room for a nice cup of hot tea. I headed to the kitchen to see a shirtless Harry standing there with a mug. He had scars all across his back, like he's been whipped by a leathery whip. He turned around when he heard me, no emotion on his face. "Why are you up so late?" He asked. 

"Those scars..." I said in disbelief. I meant to say it to myself, but I guess he heard me when he frowned. "I-I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that... Um... I was just..." I was blabbing and I didn't know what to say. "H-How did you get them?"  

Harry just shook his head, looking down at the mug in his hand. "I'm going to bed." He quickly said and rushed up the stairs without another word. 

There were so many scars on his back... How did he get them? Who gave them to him? Why did they give them? I sighed and fixed me my tea. I sat at the table just thinking. I tried not to imagine someone giving Harry those scars but I couldn't push the image from my mind. I thought about my little outing with Niall, but those images kept on interrupting my peaceful thoughts. 

"Hey Noah." I heard Louis greet as he entered the kitchen, putting a mug in the sink. 

"Hey Louis." I smiled at him, finishing my tea and putting the mug in the sink like he did. 

"Hey, we should go do something tomorrow." He told me with a smile. "Just the two of us so we can get to know each other a little better. We can go bowling or something like that." He smiled at me and I gladly returned it. 

"That sounds fun to me." Wow, these guys are friendly. I've only been here a week and they treat me as a friend. Well Harry doesn't really, but he doesn't seem like the friendly type. 

"Great. We'll leave around ten in the morning." Louis flashed me a charmed smile, saying goodnight, and we both left to our bedrooms. 

*HEY! So how do you like so far??? Whatcha think is going to happen??? And please actually comment what you think is going to happen. I love reading those and seeing if anyone is right :)*         

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