Chapter 2

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Noah's POV:

I laid on my bed as I thought about all that has happened this afternoon. I was surprised that I wasn't crying, but with my life, I don't think there was anything more for me to cry over. I sighed as I got out of bed, running my fingers through my hair as I attempted to brush it. Louis and Zayn said that they were going out shopping for me, which was very nice of them, but I just hope they get everything I actually need.

I peeked out of my room, looking around to see no one was there. Might as well look around. The house was pretty straight forward. It had the kitchen, parlor, dining room, and the many bed and bathrooms. But the thing I was awestruck by was the library. It was huge, bigger than any book store I knew of.

"What are you doing here?" I heard Harry's hard voice speak.

I looked over to see him lounging in a chair with a book in his hand. "Oh, I'm sorry. I was just looking around." I told him. "This library is amazing. I've never seen so many books in one room."

"We need more." He simply said looking down at his book. "I ran out of new material." He sighed getting up. "But since you're here, I'll leave." He headed for the door, but I quickly grabbed his arm. He quickly pulled it out of my grasp, but it did stop him from leaving.

"Wait... Why do you hate me so much... You don't even know me?" I asked.

He let out a big sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose. "It's not that I hate you, it's the fact that I hate that you are here." He told me. "A human should not be here, it's too dangerous."

"I don't understand? Are you all not human?" I asked.

Harry let out a deep chuckle. "You haven't figured it out yet?" He asked. "Not even from the horribly representation of us in those stupid Hollywood films?"

"What?" I was completly confused.

Harry stepped closer to me and opened his mouth, showing off four sharpened teeth like Niall had. "What do you think those are?"


"And what, from those stupid Hollywood movies, have fangs?" He asked, taking a few steps away from me now.

"Vampires?" I questioned. He didn't answer, not even nod. He just looked at me and waited for me to figure it out. "You all are vampires?"

"Well me and Niall are. Louis, Zayn, and Liam are werewolves." He told me. "And you're not dreaming before you think that."

"So like... Dracula and all that... That's all real?"

"Well the story of Dracula is made up, but Vlad is very real. I'm one of the few people who know him as Vlad, mostly people call him Prince or Lord Dracula." He told me. "Now if you will excuse me." He said in a not so kind way.

"Wai-" I started but he was already out the door. Well... Not exactly the answer i was expecting for all this...

Louis and Zayn got back with my things, and for men they didn't do half bad. We were sitting down at dinner now and I sat at the end, Harry on the opposite of me with Niall and Liam in the seats on either side of me. Harry just picked at his food, not really eating it. "Um, if I may... ask you all a few questions that I don't really understand?" I asked.

"Of course, anything love." Niall told me with a smile.

"Well for one, I thought vampires didn't eat?" I asked, taking a bite of the roast in front of me.

"Oh we do love. All that nonsense in movies are bull. We eat just like anybody else, but we don't have to as much as humans do. We can survive with just one meal a month, with blood of course, but Harry and I just eat with the others anyway since they actually have to eat more than humans do." Niall explained. "Werewolves have to eat a good bit to keep their energy up. Harry and I only eat dinner, but these three can eat us out of a house and home."

I giggled at that one slightly. "I'm guessing you three don't like turn into a werewolf only on full moons then." I asked.

"Well, we do turn into wolves, but we can do so anytime. Full moons just make us stronger." Louis explained.

"What about sunlight? Does that effect you two?" I asked mainly Niall since Harry didn't look too keen on talking.

"It just makes us weaker. We don't like die from sunlight or, what's that thing in the movie? Sparkle or something like that? That's the dumbest thing ever. Vampires are nothing like the ones in that movie. Yes we run fast and drink blood but that's about it. We are stronger than humans but not that strong, and we're not ice cold like they say."

"I used to watch that movie when I was younger." I said and let out a laugh at their expressions. "The book is a lot better."

"You're not going to see it under this roof." Zayn mumbled with a laugh.

"How about you love?" Liam asked. "What's your story?"

"There's not much to tell... My parents died a few years ago, and I lived with my Aunt May. She never really let me go out or anything so I never really had many friends. I didn't talk to many people at school and when I did I never talked to them outside of school. I did have a job at a coffee shop but Aunt May made me quit so I could finish my chores 'on time'." I told them. "That's really it honestly."

They all looked at me and I couldn't really read any of their expressions. "Well it doesn't sound like we're taking you from much." Liam mumbled, eating some of his food.

"Not really no." I laughed some to lighten the mood.


I found that I liked it here. Niall is a sweetheart and laughs at everything, Zayn basically wears his heart out on his sleeve, Louis is absolutely hilarious, and Liam has a heart of gold. As for Harry.. Well I can't say much about him. He likes to read a lot, I found that out. He keeps his distance from me a lot, but he's not as harsh when I speak to him from the first time we met.

"Hey Noah." Niall said as he plopped down on my bed beside me. "Let's do something tonight."

*Okay, I know it's only the second chapter, but what do y'all honestly think of it so far?*

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