Chapter 6

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Noah's POV:

I was lounging on the couch when Zayn walked in with a hug smile on his face, just his jeans on if I may add. This house has a thing about not wearing shirts... Well Niall and Harry wear a shirt during the day, but the other three kind of just walk around in jeans. And if they are wearing a shirt then it's just a muscle shirt or a tank-top. 

"Hey Noah." He greeted and sat next to me. 

"Hey Z, what's up?" 

"You wanna catch a movie tonight?" He asked. 

That was kind of sudden, but hey, why not. I went to the fair with Liam last week and I've been stuck in the house since then so it sounded fun. "Sure, what movie?" I asked. 

"Whatever you want. Just not a dumb vampire or werewolf movie." I giggled at that one. 

"I can understand that. I don't think there is any out right now anyway." I smiled at him. (Okay, author note real quick. We're going to pretend that Harry's new movie 'Dunkirk' is out already, so let's pretend. Use your imagination. p.s I do not own the name nor any part of 'Dunkirk'. I have to give copyrights.) "What about that new movie 'Dunkirk'. It's like a war movie or something like that." I suggested. 

"Sounds good to me. I'll go shower and we can go." Zayn patted my leg and jogged upstairs. 

"I'll buy the popcorn." I said as we approached the counter. 

"I can buy it." He said. "As you can tell we're actually very rich. Saving money for nearly three hundred years helps." He said. "Plus Niall and Liam own a business." 

"They own a business?!" I asked. They didn't tell me that. 

"Yea, they go out of town every once in a while. Louis' starting to go with them now to get involved. Liam wants me to go on the next business trip, but I'm not sure. We can't leave you at the house by yourself. I mean Harry would be there, but I don't know." 

"I'll be fine if Harry is with me. You should go. It could be fun, plus you're getting involved." I told him, paying for the popcorn and carrying it to our theater. 

Zayn simply shrugged. "I'll think about it." 

"So nearly three hundred years?" I asked. 

"Oh yea. Niall is only about twenty years older than me. I was born in 1745 so I'm two hundred and seventy-one. Wow, I didn't realize I was that old until now." 

"You're not as near as old as Harry. Liam too really." I said. 

"Very true. Lou is the youngest out of us all, so now that I think of it; the fact that he's getting involved in the business before me is kind of sad. I probably will go on the business trip. It's in two weeks so I still have time to think about it." 

I simply nodded with a smile. It's amazing that these guys are all older than a hundred. Well Harry is already older then half a century, not by much though. They all still act as if they were still in their twenties, which in body they are. I say that, but it's not entirely true. They are a tad different than an average twenty year old. They're as wise as a seventy-two year old man, but still as fun loving as a teenager. Harry is different than the rest of course, but I think that's just because I don't know him very well. 

The movie started, and I was honestly surprised when I felt Zayn's arm slip behind me and rested it on the back of the chair. I shrugged, not thinking anything of it as I watched the men on the screen fight. I was kind of shocked that I actually liked this movie, I normally don't really care for war movies, but this one was good. The guy named Tom (I think that's his name in that movie but idk?) kind of looked like Harry. He had short hair, but he had the same face about. He was tall like him too. It might be my imagination, but he at least looked a little like him. 

"That was actually pretty good." Zayn said as we left the theater. 

"It was really good." I agreed.  

"Did you think that Tom guy looked like Harry too?" He asked. 

"Oh good it wasn't just me. We should tell him at supper." 

"He probably won't care, but okay." 

"May I ask you a question?" I asked and Zayn nodded. "Is your actual name Zayn? Because like Harry and Louis are old names, but Zayn isn't that old of a name." 

"No, Zayn's just short for Zander. (Yes, that is a name) "My little sister couldn't say Zander so she would say Zane. I changed the spelling over time and now that's just my name now. Liam's full name is William. I don't think Niall is short for anything so he's like Harry and Louis." He told me. 

"I thought Harry was short for Harold?" I asked. 

"If it is then he never told us." 

"You've all known him so long, but it seems like you know so little about him?" 

"He doesn't exactly tells us of his past much except what he wants." Zayn shrugged. "And we don't ask because we know he doesn't want to tell." 

"Why?" I asked. 

"I don't know? That's a question for him, but honestly I wouldn't ask." 

I nodded, not knowing what else to say. We got home as Niall and Liam were setting things on the table. "You two are just in time." Liam smiled at us. 

"Louis, Harry get your asses down here!" Niall shouted. "Foods done!" 

Louis was down quickly, but we didn't even hear Harry's footsteps. "Harry!" Niall shouted again. 

"I'm not hungry!" Harry shouted back. 

"Then just come down and sit here! You've been in your room all week! Wouldn't it be nice to see the world for once!" We heard an annoyed groan and heavy footsteps coming down the stairs. 

"I've seen the world plenty of enough." He grumbled and sat down in his normal spot. 

"Well you could socialize for once. Stop being a brat and just eat." Niall forced food on Harry's place before he sat down. 

"How was the movie?" Louis asked. 

"It was very good. There was actually a guy that looked just like Harry in it." I said. "He had short hair instead of long though." 

"Then he didn't look like me." Harry grumbled. This is the most I've heard him talk in one sitting. He may be grumbling the whole time but at least he's talking. 

"Harry." Zayn said with a quick glare. "He had the same facial features as you. Stop being such a bitch." 

Harry sighed, shaking his head some and pinching the bridge of his nose. "Apologies." He simply said. "I'm just stressed." 

"Why are you stressed?" I asked. 

Harry gave a big sigh again, standing up. "I'm going to my room." He quickly headed up to his room. 

"Don't mind him." Liam told him. 

"I've been told." I sighed looking at Harry's now empty seat. Why is he so seclusive? He won't even tell things to his best friend. Why is he so stressed right now? And where did he get all those scars? 


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