eye of twilight

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eye of twilight

In the eye of twilight I will sing for your heart and mine -
two of the same, untouched and so unhallowed. Over
seas of strife and sorrow we flew, only to end full circle

Long have the dark-winged birds been gone;
but where are their nests? Their white-shelled eggs?
Their young could not journey across the foaming sea.

But no longer, either, could they remain on the hill
where no other bird would ever set its nest. Wind-swift they fled
instead over seas of strife and sorrow, no thoughts of return
to touch their minds til' the sun sets and their feathers cease to shine.

Then---the euphoric phantasmagoria of young dawn, stretching
her rose-tipped fingers towards the dark and brooding dusk that
watches cooly, unmoved by her fantastic declarations of un-
ending passion---

Will the flock fly back, then? And reroot itself
Here in these deep hills? Or will the
birds have lived and loved and become
the landscape of a different land,
under different skies, different stars...

In the eye of twilight I will keep your heart and mine.
Whether you leave and never return
and your heart tries to follow,
or even if you come back--but only
the empty shell of you.

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