gold eyes x

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gold eyes x

How often have I wished I was blind

to your piercing gaze,

or deaf

to the low timbers of your voice.

But I loved the world that allowed me to hear



as the phantoms flew around you

and the grief and love woven into those songs

still did not pale even when he cried "Hallelujah!",

kissed by fire.

And I cannot thank the world enough

for the gift of sight,

that drew my eyes to you

amidst whispers of roses

only to find, staring back,

something that had her fingers faltering -

almost -

though she caught herself, at the last moment.


          again and again throughout the evening.

The laughter, the summer sun outside,

the soft smiles and loud joys

of music and song


something I dare not name...

I long for your gold eyes,

for a smile,

for an ending to this madness.

The perfect ending.

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